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Adverbs: A Definitive Guide

Updated on March 5, 2025Parts of Speech
  • An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb (“he sings loudly”), an adjective (“very tall”), another adverb (“ended too quickly”), or even a whole sentence (“Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella.”).
  • Adverbs provide additional context, such as how, when, where, to what extent, or how often something happens.
  • Adverbs are categorized into several types based on their function and what they describe: time, frequency, duration, manner, place, degree, purpose, and conjunctive adverbs.
  • Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look the same as their adjective counterparts.
  • Adverbs can show comparison (“more quickly,” “most quickly”) and should be placed near the words they modify to avoid ambiguity.

Adverbs are versatile words that enhance sentences, but knowing when to use them can be confusing. Here, we’ll use rules and examples to explain what adverbs are, how they’re used correctly, and when to avoid them.

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Table of contents

Adverb definition

Types of adverbs

Adverbs and verbs

Adverbs and adjectives

Adverbs and other adverbs

Adverbs and sentences

Adverbs and degrees of comparison

Placement of adverbs

Common adverb mistakes to avoid

Adverb FAQs

Adverb definition

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or sentences, providing additional information about how, where, when, to what extent, or how often something happens.

Adverbs often end in -ly, but that’s not always the case.

Tom Longboat did not run badly.

Tom is very tall.

The race finished too quickly.

Fortunately, Lucy recorded Tom’s win.

What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, providing context about how, when, where, how much, or how often something happens.
How? When? Where? How much? How often?
badly afterward above almost always
carefully already abroad barely annually
cheerfully early away completely daily
closely eventually back deeply frequently
easily later behind entirely hardly
fast now below fairly hourly
gently recently down just never
loudly soon far nearly occasionally
peacefully then here quite often
quietly today indoor rather once
skillfully tomorrow inside slightly rarely
slowly tonight nearby too seldom
thoroughly yesterday out totally usually
well yet there very yearly

How adverbs modify parts of speech and sentences

Here’s how adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and sentences:

  • Verb: An adverb describes how, when, where, or to what extent the action happens. (Example: She runs quickly.)
  • Adjective: An adverb adds intensity or degree to an adjective. (Example: The lake is incredibly beautiful.)
  • Adverb: When an adverb modifies another adverb, it clarifies or intensifies it. (Example: She sings very beautifully.)
  • Sentence: An adverb used with a sentence conveys the speaker’s attitude or provides a general perspective on the statement. (Example: Fortunately, we arrived on time.)

Types of adverbs

Adverbs can be categorized into several types based on their function. Here are the different types of adverbs:

Types of Adverbs
Type Function Examples
Adverbs of time Describe when, how long, or how often something happens now, soon, rarely, yesterday
Adverbs of frequency Describe how often an action occurs always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
Adverbs of duration Describe how long an action lasts briefly, temporarily, forever, permanently, indefinitely
Adverbs of manner Describe how an action is performed quickly, carefully, happily, gently, loudly, easily
Adverbs of place Describe where an action happens here, there, everywhere, nowhere, outside, upstairs
Adverbs of degree Describe the intensity, extent, or level of an action, adjective, or another adverb very, too, quite, almost, extremely, completely
Adverbs of purpose Explain why an action happens or the reason behind it therefore, thus, so, because, consequently, hence
Conjunctive adverbs Connect the ideas in different independent clauses or sentences alternatively, moreover, as a result, on the other hand

Adverbs and verbs

Adverbs most often modify verbs. They do this by characterizing the action of the verb. They usually do this by specifying something about the manner, time, place, frequency, or degree of the action.

  • Manner: These adverbs describe how a verb’s action is performed. (Example: My cat waits impatiently for his food.)
  • Time: These adverbs describe when or how long a verb’s action is done. (Example: We arrived at the theater and got in line early.)
  • Place: These adverbs describe where a verb’s action takes place. (Example: The others hiked to the peak while she waited below.)
  • Frequency: These adverbs describe how often a verb’s action occurs. (Example: Farid prefers to be paid monthly rather than weekly.)
  • Degree: These adverbs describe the intensity, extent, or level of a verb’s action. (Example: The company is owned entirely by its workers.)

Here’s a tip: Want to make sure you’re using adverbs correctly in your writing? Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. It even proofreads your text, so your work is polished wherever you write.

Adverbs and adjectives

Adverbs can also modify adjectives. They appear before the adjectives they modify in a sentence, and they add detail to how the adjectives describe nouns.

That detail generally has to do with how the quality described by an adjective is true, the degree to which it is true, or how often it is true.

  • Manner: When modifying an adjective, these adverbs give more detail about the degree or way in which the adjective describes something. (Example: The pilot’s voice sounded reassuringly quiet.)
  • Degree: These adverbs communicate the intensity with which the adjective describes its noun or to what extent it does so, either on its own or in comparison to something else. (Example: The lake looks quite calm this morning.)
  • Frequency: These adverbs describe how often an adjective applies to the noun it modifies. (Example: That cat is always happy to be having its dinner.)

Flat adverbs

Flat adverbs are adverbs that have the same form as their adjective counterparts. Common flat adverbs include safe, fast, hard, slow, easy, and bright:

We’ll have to drive fast to get there in time.

Learning languages has always come easy to Kit.

Some flat adverbs have alternate forms that do take on -lysafe/safely, slow/slowly, and bright/brightly are three pairs of adverbs in which both forms are acceptable as adverbs:

The moon is shining bright [or brightly] tonight.

Drive safe [or safely].

Adverbs and other adverbs

Adverbs sometimes modify other adverbs. Like an adverb modifying an adjective, a second adverb adds detail to the information the original adverb communicates about the word it is modifying.

The adverbs that can modify other adverbs generally convey degree—answering the question of to what extent or how intensely the principal adverb applies to the word it modifies.

In the following sentence, the adverb of degree (almost) modifies the adverb of frequency (always), which modifies the adjective right:

The weather report is almost always right.

Here’s an example in which a degree adverb (quite) modifies a manner adverb (elaborately):

Farran cooks quite elaborately for guests.

Multiple adverbs together

Because adverbs can modify other adverbs, it is grammatically possible to string together multiple adverbs, each modifying the next. This can be useful for expressing unusual intensity, especially in informal or emotional contexts, or for a specific tonal emphasis.

Here are a couple of examples:

I am so deeply, eternally indebted to everyone who has supported me.

Xavier felt their teammates were not quite sufficiently prepared after all.

However, such devices are best used thoughtfully and sparingly. They can make sentences too equivocal, indirect, weak, or clunky. Here’s an example of such a sentence:

Huan sings rather enormously too loudly.

Adverbs and sentences

Some adverbs, called sentence adverbs, modify entire sentences. Common ones include generally, fortunately, interestingly, naturally, hopefully, and accordingly.

The meaning of a sentence adverb applies to the writer or speaker’s feeling about all the information contained in the sentence, rather than modifying a specific sentence element.

Here are a couple of examples:

Fortunately, we got there in time.

Surprisingly, no one at the auction seemed interested in bidding on the antique spoon collection.

Sentence adverbs often convey certain rhetorical things like certainty about what the rest of the sentence expresses, doubt about it, or anticipation of objections to it, as in the following examples:

Clearly, we have a lot more research to do on this subject.

Arguably, this was the best course of action available.

Admittedly, we haven’t yet located any primary sources.

Adverbs and degrees of comparison

Like adjectives, many adverbs can show degrees of comparison. In fact, the adverbs that can do this are very closely related to adjectives—they are almost all adverbs that have corresponding adjectives, including the many that are formed by adding -ly to an adjective.

The three degrees of comparison are the absolute, the comparative, and the superlative.

The absolute

The absolute (or positive) degree of an adverb is the adverb in its most basic form. An absolute adverb communicates a specific way in which an action was performed directly, without reference to anything else.

He smiled warmly.

They asked me to deliver a hastily written note.

The comparative

The comparative degree of adverbs is for comparing the way two people, groups, or other entities did something in terms of the specific quality expressed by an adverb. To form the comparative degree of an adverb that ends in -ly, add the word more:

He smiled more warmly than the others.

This note is even more hastily written than the last one I delivered.

The superlative

The superlative degree of adverbs is for comparing the way three or more people, groups, or other entities did something in terms of the specific quality expressed by an adverb. To make the superlative form of an adverb that ends in -ly, add the word most:

He smiled most warmly of them all.

This is the most hastily written note I have ever received.

Flat adverbs and degrees of comparison

The comparative and superlative forms of flat adverbs match the corresponding adjective’s comparative and superlative forms:

Could you bring that display closer so we can see it better?

Of the land animals, the cheetah runs fastest.

Placement of adverbs

There are some guidelines and conventions to be aware of when it comes to where you put adverbs in relation to the words they modify so that they most clearly communicate your meaning.

With single-word verbs

The most important thing to keep in mind about adverbs modifying verbs is that they should appear as near to the verb they qualify as possible. They most often come before intransitive verbs they modify:

Char looked excitedly at the pastries in the display case.

However, some adverbs are more natural between the subject and intransitive verb:

We always go cycling on summer Fridays.

With transitive verbs, the clearest adverb placement is usually after the object of the verb. It should never separate a transitive verb from its object:

They decorated the hall elaborately for the dance party.

With verb phrases

When an adverb is modifying a verb phrase, the most natural place for it is usually the middle of the phrase.

We are quickly approaching the deadline.

Huan has always loved singing.

With adjectives and other adverbs

Adverbs modifying adjectives or other adverbs appear directly before the modified word:

She learned her way around Berlin very quickly.

With the adverb only

Be especially careful about the placement of the adverb only, which is one of the most often misplaced modifiers. Consider the difference between these two sentences:

Phillip only fed the cat.

Phillip fed only the cat.

The first sentence says that all Phillip did was feed the cat. The second sentence says that Phillip fed the cat, but he didn’t feed anything or anyone else.

Common adverb mistakes to avoid

Although many people are taught to avoid adverbs altogether in their writing, adverbs are an essential part of the language; the trick is to know when to use them and then to use them well.

Superfluous adverbs

When your verb or adjective doesn’t seem powerful or precise enough without appending an adverb, you can often use a stronger verb or adjective without the adverb. Compare these two sentences:

The board forcefully took control away from the founder.

The board wrested control from the founder.

The second, in which the verb wrested does all the work that the adverbs forcefully and away do in the first, packs more of a punch.

Intensifier overuse

Degree adverbs that communicate intensity, such as very, really, extremely, and quite, are easy to overuse and quickly begin to sound empty, insincere, or hyperbolic.

Sentence adverb pitfalls

Be careful not to overuse or misuse the sentence adverbs clearly, obviously, certainly, and inarguably, especially in persuasive or academic writing. Because they are used so often and what follows them is not always actually beyond questioning, they can weaken a writer’s claim instead of underscoring it.

Keep in mind that the word hopefully as a sentence adverb has been considered correct for decades, but it used to be so controversial that some readers may find it distracting.

Adverbs with linking verbs

Linking verbs, such as feel, smell, sound, seem, and appear, precede adjectives (modifying the linking verb’s subject), not adverbs. Here’s a common example of the type of confusion that happens with linking verbs:

Paz feels badly about what happened.

Paz feels bad about what happened.


Putting an adverb in the wrong spot can produce an awkward sentence at best and completely change the meaning at worst. Consider this sentence:

I almost dropped all the papers I was holding.

The meaning is ambiguous because of the placement of the adverb almost: Did the writer nearly drop all the papers but manage to hold on to them, or did they drop most of the papers but not all of them? If the former is true, the placement of almost is correct, but choosing an adverb that’s less likely to be misread as modifying a different word in the sentence might be clearer:

I nearly dropped all the papers I was holding.

If it’s the second interpretation the writer is going for, the correct position of almost is directly before the word it modifies (all), and fixing that will make the sentence impossible to misunderstand:

I dropped almost all the papers I was holding.

Adverb FAQs

What are adverbs used for?

Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or entire sentences, providing additional details about the manner, time, place, degree, frequency, or reason behind an action or quality.

How can you identify adverbs?

You can identify an adverb by looking for words that answer how, when, where, to what extent, or why. Many adverbs also end in -ly, although not all do.

What are the different types of adverbs?

Here’s how adverbs are categorized into different types based on their function:

  • Adverbs of time: when, how long, or how often something happens
  • Adverbs of frequency: how often an action occurs
  • Adverbs of duration: how long an action lasts
  • Adverbs of manner: how an action is performed
  • Adverbs of place: where an action happens
  • Adverbs of degree: show the intensity, extent, or level of an action, adjective, or another adverb
  • Adverbs of purpose: why an action happens or the reason behind it
  • Conjunctive adverbs: connect the ideas in different independent clauses or sentences

What are some common examples of adverbs?

Some of the most common adverbs include:

  • really, very
  • well, badly
  • today, yesterday, everyday
  • sometimes, often, rarely
  • early, late, soon
  • here, there, everywhere

Where do adverbs go in sentences?

Adverbs should generally be placed as close as possible to the word they modify to avoid confusion, such as before an adjective (“very tall”) or after a verb (“sings loudly”).

When should you avoid adverbs?

You should avoid using unnecessary or redundant adverbs and instead opt for stronger verbs or adjectives that convey meaning more effectively, enhancing the clarity and impact of your writing.

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