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Feedforward Neural Network Basics: What You Need to Know

Updated on September 19, 2024Understanding AI

Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) are a fundamental technology in data analysis and machine learning (ML). This guide aims to explain FNNs, how they work, where they are used, and their pros and cons.

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What is a feedforward neural network?

Feedforward neural networks are one of the simplest types of neural networks, capable of learning nonlinear patterns and modeling complex relationships. In machine learning, an FNN is a deep learning model in the field of AI. Unlike what happens in more complex neural networks, data in an FNN moves in one direction through the network, from the input layer through the hidden layer(s) to the output layer. Despite their relative simplicity, FNNs can learn nonlinear patterns and model complex relationships using multiple hidden layers. For these reasons, FNNs are useful for a wide range of tasks, including speech recognition and some aspects of image recognition, natural language processing, and medical diagnosis.

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How FNNs work

At a high level, an FNN works by passing data through several processing layers of nodes, which are computational units that perform specific calculations on the input. The process begins when raw data is fed into the input layer. Next, the data moves through a series of hidden layers, with each layer extracting patterns from the data and passing them to the next layer. At the end of the processing pipeline, a final result is produced by the output layer. An FNN can be viewed as a series of transformations on the data, with each layer further refining the input until the desired output is generated.

The architecture of an FNN consists of the input layer, one or more hidden layers, and the output layer. Nodes in each layer are connected to nodes in the next layer using weighted connections. A weight is a multiplier that determines the effect a given node’s output has on the next layer. During the training process, the goal is to minimize the difference (the error) between the FNN predictions and the actual values by adjusting these weights. In this process, called backpropagation, the error is used to compute how much each weight should change to improve model performance, and an optimization algorithm makes adjustments accordingly. By repeating the backpropagation process, the FNN becomes better at making predictions.

FNNs compared to other types of neural networks

Understanding FNNs in comparison to other types of neural networks is useful in understanding when and how to use an FNN. Here’s a look at how FNNs compare to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

FNNs vs. CNNs

An FNN is unidirectional; that is, it processes data in one direction, from input to output, without considering any spatial relationships in the data. In contrast, a CNN can handle data where spatial relationships are important, such as image and video recognition tasks. Imagine looking at a photo through different filters to emphasize or hide certain details. A CNN is like a set of specialized filters, with each filter scanning an image to detect specific features, like shapes, textures, and edges.

FNNs vs. RNNs

While FNNs simply process data from input to output, RNNs can capture information from previous inputs using a hidden state. Essentially, this means that, unlike FNNs, RNNs have a memory, allowing them to model temporal dependencies and dynamics. This makes RNNs useful for tasks where input order is important, such as time series modeling or natural language processing (NLP).

Applications of FNNs

With their ability to learn and model many different kinds of complex relationships, FNNs have diverse applications, from performing email spam detection to predicting customer churn. Here are a few examples of FNNs in the real world.

Email spam detection

FNNs play a key role in email filtering systems. By analyzing features like subject lines, sender information, and body content, FNNs can be used to determine whether an email is spam or not, greatly improving the user experience and email security.

Predicting stock prices

Financial analysts and traders use FNNs to forecast stock prices and financial market movements. By learning from historical market data and various financial indicators, FNNs serve as a useful aid in making informed investment decisions and managing risk.

Converting voice to text

Virtual assistant applications like Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant use FNNs in conjunction with other models to process and transcribe human speech. By analyzing speech patterns and audio signals, FNNs can convert audio to written text, serving as the basis for voice-activated applications.

Forecasting equipment maintenance and failure

FNNs can forecast equipment maintenance and failure. Using factors like equipment sensor output and historical maintenance data, FNNs can forecast major breakdowns, minimizing maintenance costs and equipment downtime.

Predicting customer churn

Businesses often want to understand the likelihood of customers discontinuing the use of a service or product, known as customer churn. By analyzing customer transaction history and interaction patterns, FNNs can determine if a customer is at risk of leaving, allowing businesses to take proactive retention measures like personalized offers.

Advantages of FNNs

FNNs offer several key benefits, making them a valuable tool in the machine learning toolkit. These advantages include flexible architecture design and efficient training, among others.

Simple to design and implement

Because data in an FNN flows in one direction, from input to output, FNNs are simple to design and implement compared to most neural networks. This simplicity makes FNNs a great tool for new ML practitioners, enabling capabilities like image classification in situations where more advanced models may not be necessary.

Optimized for structured data

FNNs are well suited for data where the relationships between input features are well defined and straightforward. This makes FNNs ideal for applications like analyzing data organized into rows and columns, such as CRM (customer relationship management) data and financial reports.

Efficient training and inference

As a result of their relatively simple architecture, FNNs generally require less training time and computation power than more complex models like RNNs and CNNs. Given that, FNNs are well suited for applications where fast predictions and quick training are important.

Flexible architecture design

FNNs can be designed with any number of layers and nodes per layer, allowing them to be optimized for specific problems. For example, an FNN intended for complex data can include more layers and nodes, whereas a smaller FNN with fewer layers and nodes can be used for simpler tasks.

Disadvantages of FNNs

While FNNs offer numerous benefits, they also have various drawbacks, such as difficulty handling some nonlinear data relationships and limited visibility into their decision-making process.

Potential overfitting with complex data

When dealing with complex, high-dimensional data, FNNs are prone to overfitting. Overfitting occurs when a model learns the underlying noise and random fluctuations in the data along with the actual patterns. This manifests itself as a model that performs well in training but fails to generalize when fed data it hasn’t encountered before.

Difficulty handling complex data relationships

While FNNs generally excel at handling nonlinear data relationships, they fall short when it comes to complex structures like hierarchical or spatial data structures. For example, in NLP, understanding language syntax requires the ability to understand sequences and hierarchical relationships. In such instances, more specialized models like RNNs and CNNs are required.

Sensitivity to data range

FNNs can be sensitive to how the input data is scaled—that is, the range of data values. For example, suppose an FNN is used to predict house prices, with the inputs being the number of bedrooms and the house’s size in square feet. While the number of bedrooms might range from 1 to 6, square footage might be anywhere from 500 to 5,000. This large size range will make it more difficult for the FNN to learn using the number of bedrooms, causing the network to struggle during training.

Limited interpretability

As with other neural networks, understanding how FNNs make decisions can be challenging. This lack of transparency, referred to as the “black box problem,” is a result of the numerous layers and complex connections in the network. As a result, FNNs and other neural networks may not be a good choice for fields with high accountability standards. For example, if a bank uses an FNN to approve or deny loans based on various customer factors, the lack of interpretability can make the logic of the loan approval process difficult to explain.

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