- Labeled and labelled are both correct spellings.
- Labeled is the preferred spelling in American English.
- Labelled is the preferred spelling in British English.
How should you spell the past tense of the verb label? After adding the -ed ending, should you double the L? Speakers of American English might answer differently than speakers of British English.

Labeled vs. Labelled
Labeled and labelled are both correct spellings, and they mean the same thing. How you spell the word depends on your audience. If you are writing for American readers, labeled is the preferred spelling. In other places, such as Great Britain and Canada, labelled is a more common spelling than labeled.
Labeled in North American Publications
Labelled in British Publications
When reading, keep in mind that labeled and labelled are both correct. If you are the writer, choose the most familiar form for your readers. If you have questions about other British vs. American English spellings, you might do some research before deciding which word is right for you. Do you know the difference between realise and realize or check and cheque?