In American English, program is the correct spelling. In Australian and Canadian English, program is the more common spelling. In British English, programme is the preferred spelling, although program is often used in computing contexts.
Decades ago, program appeared in both American and British writing. In the nineteenth century, the Brits started to favor the French way of spelling it—programme. This word is just one of many examples of how British English spelling and American English spelling differ.
Program definition
However it’s spelled, program refers a plan of actions, activities, or procedures, usually for a specific purpose. Alternatively, it can refer to a list of acts or performers associated with an event, such as a theatrical play or a concert. Program can also function as a verb. It means to set, regulate, or modify to produce a specific result. When referring to writing code, both British and Americans use program as the preferred spelling.
Examples of program in a sentence
Program in the US
Program and programme outside the US
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