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What Are Adverbs of Duration?

Updated on March 20, 2025Frequently Asked Questions
  • Adverbs of duration describe how long an action lasts.
  • Common examples include briefly, temporarily, forever, permanently, and indefinitely.
  • They are typically placed between the subject and verb or at the end of a sentence.
  • They are placed between a modal/auxiliary verb and the main verb.

Adverbs of duration help us describe how long an action goes on. These adverbs are essential in everyday communication, whether it’s about a temporary situation (for a while) or something that lasts forever (permanently). In this guide, you’ll learn about their meanings, usage, and placement, with plenty of examples.

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What are adverbs of duration?

Adverbs of duration describe the length of time an action occurs. They answer the question, “For how long?” They are a type of adverb of time.

Types of adverbs of duration

Definite duration—indicates a specific length of time

  • Examples: for two hours, until midnight, since Monday

Indefinite duration—does not specify an exact length of time

  • Examples: briefly, permanently, indefinitely, temporarily

Common adverbs of duration and their usage

Adverb of Duration Meaning Example Sentence
Briefly For a short period of time She briefly introduced herself before the lecture.
Temporarily For a limited period The road is temporarily closed due to repairs.
For a while For a moderate, unspecified duration He lived in Spain for a while.
Momentarily For a very short time The lights flickered momentarily.
For [two hours] For a definite duration They waited for two hours.
Until [midnight] Up to a specific time The shop is open until midnight.
Since [yesterday] From a past time until now I haven’t seen her since yesterday.
Indefinitely For an unknown period of time The event has been postponed indefinitely.
Permanently Forever, without change He has permanently moved to Japan.
Forever For an infinite period She promised to love him forever.
Throughout From the beginning to the end of a period The dog barked throughout the night.
All day For the entire day We stayed at the beach all day.
All night For the entire night She studied all night for the exam.
For years For many years They have been married for years.
For centuries For hundreds of years This tradition has existed for centuries.
For a lifetime Lasting an entire life He worked in the company for a lifetime.

Placement of adverbs of duration in sentences

Between the subject and verb

For most verbs, adverbs of duration appear between the subject and verb.

Example: She briefly explained the instructions.

At the end of a sentence

Many adverbs of duration also naturally fit at the end of a sentence.

Example: They stayed at the hotel for a week.

Between auxiliary/modal verb and main verb

When you’re using an auxiliary or a modal verb, the adverb of duration is often placed between them.

Example: He has temporarily moved to another city.

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