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What Are Adverbs of Manner?

Updated on March 23, 2025Frequently Asked Questions
  • Adverbs of manner describe how an action is performed, answering the question, “How?” They provide clarity and detail about actions.
  • They are typically formed by adding -ly to adjectives (e.g., quick becomes quickly).
  • Some adverbs have the same form as their adjectives (e.g., fast remains fast).
  • They are usually placed after the verb or direct object in a sentence but can also be placed between the subject and verb.

Adverbs of manner are essential for adding depth and clarity to your writing by describing how actions are performed. Words like quickly, gracefully, and enthusiastically help create vivid imagery, allowing readers to connect with your message. In this guide, we’ll explore the definitions, the uses, and examples of adverbs of manner.

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What are adverbs of manner?

Adverbs of manner provide crucial details about how an action takes place. They modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs and answer the question, “How?

Example: She sings beautifully.

Example: He spoke softly to avoid waking the baby.

Common adverbs of manner and their usage

Adverb of Manner Meaning Example Sentence
Quickly In a fast manner She finished her homework quickly.
Carefully With caution and attention He carefully placed the glass on the table.
Happily In a joyful manner They danced happily at the wedding.
Gently With a soft or delicate touch She gently rocked the baby to sleep.
Loudly In a noisy manner He spoke loudly to get everyone’s attention.
Silently Without making a sound She entered the room silently to avoid waking her brother.
Easily Without difficulty He easily solved the math problem.
Angrily In an angry manner She slammed the door angrily.
Bravely In a courageous way The firefighter bravely entered the burning building.
Well In a skillful or effective way She plays the piano well.
Softly In a quiet or gentle manner He whispered softly so no one would hear.
Neatly In an organized or tidy way She arranged the papers neatly on the desk.
Rapidly At a high speed The car moved rapidly through the streets.
Calmly In a peaceful manner He spoke calmly to defuse the situation.
Aggressively In a forceful or determined way The lawyer argued aggressively in court.

How to form adverbs of manner

Regular formation

Most adverbs of manner are formed by adding -ly to an adjective:

  • quickquickly
  • carefulcarefully

Spelling variations

Some adjectives require spelling changes before adding -ly:

  • Adjectives ending in -y → Change y to i and add -ly
    • happyhappily
  • Adjectives ending in -le → Replace e with y
    • gentlegently

Irregular forms

Some adverbs don’t follow the -ly rule and remain the same as their adjective form:

  • fastfast
  • hardhard

Placement of adverbs of manner in sentences

The placement of an adverb of manner can shift the emphasis in a sentence, altering what aspect of the action is highlighted.

After the verb

When an adverb of manner is placed after the verb, the emphasis of the sentence is neutral, keeping the natural focus on the action itself.

Example: He runs swiftly.

An adverb of manner placed after a transitive verb also follows the verb’s direct object.

Example: She completed the assignment diligently.

Between the subject and verb

Placing an adverb of manner between the subject and verb shifts the emphasis of the sentence to the adverb itself, highlighting the way in which an action happened or was performed.

Example: She gently placed the baby in the crib.

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