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Cold Weather Idioms and Phrases

Updated on January 14, 2021Idioms

With the frigid weather that swept the USA this week, many of us have been “freezing our butts off” (a frequently used, colloquial phrase in English that implies weather so cold that our buns turn to ice!).

Cold weather phrases

To come in from the cold (bring in from the cold): to be welcome in or become part of a group, particularly if you are new or alone.

Susan brought me in from the cold when she offered for me to join the team.

To leave someone out in the cold: to refuse or neglect to include someone in an activity, group, or conversation.

As soon as she went to the table where the group was sitting, they stopped talking. She was left out in the cold.

To give someone the cold shoulder: to ignore someone or minimally interact with them, usually as a passive aggressive form of punishment or disapproval.

He’s giving me the cold shoulder after our argument last night.

To be snowed in: to be trapped in a building due to the amount of snow.

“I can’t make it to the party tonight. I can’t even get out of the garage. I’m snowed in!”

To be snowed under: to be very busy with work, overwhelmed.

Since we took on the new clients, I’ve been snowed under. There is so much work to be done.

To be on thin ice: to be on the verge of an unfavorable situation; to be on probation; to push the limits.

You’re on thin ice, John. You’ve been late to work a lot lately and could lose your job!

To put something on ice: to postpone something.

We’ve been talking about this project for a while, but haven’t got anywhere. I suggest putting it on ice for now and moving onto another project.

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