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Regarding To: How It’s Used, With Examples

Updated on May 20, 2019Grammar Tips
  • Regarding to is probably derived from “in regard to.”
  • Regarding to is grammatically incorrect.

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How do you introduce a quote or a piece of information culled from a certain source? You might use the phrase “according to.” How do you explain the reason behind an event? You might use the phrase “due to.” What about “regarding to?” Is this a legitimate phrase? Let’s examine the case.

Regarding to” on the web

If you search the web for “regarding to,” you will find thousands of hits containing the expression. Here are just a couple of examples:

But, fans were thirsty over the details of the science fiction monster film. Most of the curiosity is regarding to the cast that will come back for the sequel.

―Don Don Navidad, The University Herald

“Our desired outcomes going into this workshop were to share a positive community vision regarding to our transient and homeless populations, residents and visitors . . .”

―“Team Shasta Developing Transient and Homeless Strategies,”

Is “regarding to” correct?

No, though it is an understandable error. People might follow the pattern of adding a preposition after learning expressions such as according to and due to.

The correct expressions

There are many similar expressions. Use the one that best fits the context of what you are writing. If you search for the expressions above, you will find millions of hits. Let’s look at a few simple sample sentences and a real example for each phrase:

In regard(s) to means concerning. You will see this expression with and without the S. The traditional form is in regard to, without the S. In regards to is gaining popularity, but many still view it as an error. Regards, plural, usually refers to kindly feelings about someone.

In regard to your claim, management has forwarded your information to the department head.

Please send your dear mother our kindest regards.

We definitely think we can provide some useful information in regard to what has and hasn’t worked for us, as well as providing information as to why we are taking on this endeavor.


You can kind of sort of watch the show and let it wash over you as this ride and adventure that is kind of meandering and going off on these divergent paths and still ultimately result in something that’s still satisfying in regards to questions being answered and the case being solved.” —

Regarding means respecting or concerning. It is a synonym of “in regard to.”

Game Of Thrones star Faye Marsay has completely shot down one of the biggest fan theories circulating the internet regarding her character, The Waif.


Regarding to is not like according to or due to. However, you have plenty of grammatically correct options to use. Regarding and in regard to both mean respecting or concerning. For example, you might tell someone, “In regard to the phrase “regarding to,” I just learned that it’s incorrect.”

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