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How to Write a Resignation Letter for Personal Reasons

Updated on April 2, 2024Resigning

Nowadays, people choose to leave their jobs for any number of reasons: to pursue other opportunities, to go back to school, or to try their hand at being a social media influencer, for example. Or they may be leaving simply because they’re burned out and want to focus on themselves.

Whatever the reason, you may also find, at some point, that there’s a good reason to leave your job. When that time comes, you’ll have to follow the procedures your company has established, which likely includes submitting a resignation letter. It’s important to handle the situation delicately to stay in your employer’s good graces in case you need to ask them for a reference in the future. Here’s how to write a resignation letter if you’re leaving for personal reasons.

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Understanding resignation letters due to personal reasons

A resignation letter due to personal reasons is a letter to your boss stating that you intend to leave your job because of some event or realization in your personal life. Some personal reasons for leaving your job could be a family emergency, to prioritize your mental health, to pursue further education, or anything else that has occurred in your life outside of work.

In your letter, you don’t have to go into detail about the exact reason for your departure — simply state that it is due to personal reasons. It’s customary to provide at least two weeks’ notice so that your employer has time to adequately prepare for your departure. It’s important for companies to have a resignation letter both as a legal record of your departure and for information on how you’ll wrap up your final duties.

Crafting your letter of resignation due to personal reasons

Your resignation letter should be concise and contain the points listed below. This is not a place to ramble. The tone should be one of gratitude to the company. Avoid any negativity.

The format of your resignation letter should be similar to that of a formal business letter. Grammarly can help you maintain a professional tone throughout, as well as help catch grammar and punctuation mistakes as you write. Essential elements to include in this letter are:

  • The date
  • Name of the company
  • Name of the person you’re addressing the letter to (usually your immediate boss)
  • The fact that you are resigning for personal reasons
  • Your last date of employment
  • An offer to help with the transition
  • Appreciation for the company and the opportunity to work there
  • Your name

Grammarly’s AI resignation letter generator can help you draft a resignation letter in just a few clicks. Just tell it whom to address the letter to and a reason for the resignation and it will produce a letter that you can then further refine and tailor to your unique needs.

Example resignation letter for personal reasons

This resignation letter for personal reasons sample can inspire your own letter. Remember that you don’t necessarily need to expand on the reasons for your departure. Writing that you’re resigning for “personal reasons” is sufficient.

[Today’s date]

[Name of employer]

[Address of company]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date above, unless circumstances require a different notice period]. After careful consideration, I have decided to resign due to personal reasons that require my full attention.

This decision has not been easy and comes after considerable thought and reflection. I value the experiences and opportunities I have had while working at [Company Name], and I am grateful for the support and guidance you and the team have provided me during my tenure.

I understand the challenges my departure may cause and am committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I am prepared to assist in training my replacement, documenting my current projects, and completing as many outstanding tasks as possible before my departure. My goal is to leave my role in a state that maintains the high standards of our team and minimizes any disruption.

Please let me know how I can assist in the transition process during my remaining time. I wish [Company Name] and my colleagues continued success and hope to stay connected.

Thank you for your understanding and support regarding this difficult decision.


[Your Name]

Tips for your resignation letter due to personal reasons

When resigning for personal reasons, it’s important to communicate the situation tactfully in order to stay on good terms with your employer and colleagues. Here are some tips on crafting a warm and friendly resignation letter that will allow you to do that.

Format the letter professionally

The format of your personal reasons resignation letter should include the person’s name it’s addressed to, the date, the company, your last working day, and your signature.

Keep the tone formal

Even though you’re leaving the company, your resignation letter still qualifies as a piece of writing for work. You should use professional words and tone throughout your letter.

Proofread your letter

Pay particular attention to details in your official resignation letter. You don’t want to accidentally state you’re, for example, leaving one month later than you intend to. A writing assistant like Grammarly can help during the proofreading stage to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct, uses correct punctuation, and is written concisely.

Give as much notice as you can

Provide as long of a period of notice as possible so that your company doesn’t experience too great of an interruption due to your departure. Most companies prefer two weeks’ notice so that your current projects can be wrapped up, you can hand off your work to other colleagues, or you can train the person who will assume the role going forward. Giving sufficient notice is important to alleviate some of the stress the company may be feeling around your departure.

Be direct

You don’t need to share the details of your personal reasons for resigning. Long stories about your reasons don’t belong in a short letter that is intended to communicate something simply and directly.

Help with the transition

Offering to help transfer your work to your colleagues will minimize the disruption of your resignation due to personal reasons. That may involve your writing a departure or handoff memo that includes links to the important files you created during your time at the company. It may also require meeting with the people who will be taking on more responsibility due to your departure. You should also try to finish as much of your work as possible before you leave.

You can also consider including a farewell message to your colleagues in your letter. This communicates to your manager and colleagues that you hope to leave on good terms.

Find the right channel of communication

Ask your manager or HR representative if there’s a preferred communication channel to send your resignation letter. Some companies prefer a formatted letter on official letterhead attached in a PDF, while others prefer an email.

FAQs on resignation letters for personal reasons

What are some good personal reasons to leave a job?

Some good personal reasons to leave a job are to take care of yourself or your family, to take another job, to pursue education, or to start working for yourself. It’s also valid to leave a job simply because you don’t want to do it anymore.

What information do I have to disclose when resigning?

You must disclose when your last day at the company will be. You don’t necessarily have to reveal the details of your personal reasons for resigning.

How can I use AI to help with writing a resignation letter for personal reasons?

Grammarly’s AI resignation letter generator can help you draft a well-formatted, professional resignation letter in just a few clicks. Simply enter your target audience and the details of your situation. You can then take this draft and refine it further.

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