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How Marketing Influencer Cynthia Johnson Communicates With Confidence

Updated on May 27, 2019User Stories

This winter we launched the Grammarly mobile keyboard, a personal editor designed to improve your mobile communication. The keyboard is designed to work anywhere that you write on mobile—texting, email, Facebook, Twitter, Bumble, Evernote, and beyond!

Typing on a tiny smartphone touchscreen has its share of frustrations, but with the Grammarly mobile keyboard, you can compose your messages quickly and efficiently and feel confident that your messages are polished and professional.

Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great? Grammarly can save you from misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and other writing issues on all your favorite websites.

Our keyboard was in the works for a long time, and it’s been wonderful to see the amazing feedback from our users and fans upon its release.

We were especially thrilled to get a shout-out from the fabulous Cynthia Johnson.

An entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Johnson was named by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the top personal branding experts to follow in 2017, top 20 Digital Marketers to follow by Inc. Magazine, and one of the top 12 Female Entrepreneurs that Inspire by Darling Magazine.

This powerhouse influencer knows firsthand the importance of strong writing if you want to connect with your audience. We recently caught up with Johnson to get her personal take on great writing, as well as her love for Grammarly as a writing resource.

Read on to learn how writing has contributed to her success, how she was able to build her confidence, and why writing well is important even if you don’t call yourself a writer.

How important has writing been to the success you’ve experienced in your career?

Extremely important. Writing is my voice and the one thing that allows people to get to know me, and it gives a clarity on what my expertise is.

Tell us about your background in writing, how and when did you become a confident writer?

I became a confident writer by writing. The first time I wrote an article for a major publication I was insanely nervous. It was practice, flexibility, and the opportunity to work with great editors that allowed me to become confident.

What do you look for in various forms of writing like emails, text messages, books, content? In other words, what does great writing look like to you?

Great writing takes the reader into consideration. Is your message clear to the person receiving it? Is it too long? Are they busy people? No one enjoys reading a message that was drafted for the masses or someone else. When I receive long-winded, self-serving emails and texts, I simply respond tl;dr (too long; didn’t read). In my opinion, the audience is number one.

What’s been your experience with Grammarly?

I love it. It changed my life. Well, it made my editor’s job much easier.

What’s your favorite part of Grammarly’s product?

It is extremely user-friendly, which again, is the most important part. It has also decreased the number of commas in my writing significantly. I had no idea how neurotic I sounded before.

Why did you recommend Grammarly to your massive social media audience?

I recommend it because it is useful and saves time.

Why is the mobile keyboard exciting for you to use?

I tend to text and type very quickly, so the mobile use helps me to complete sentences and finish words without the predictive text changing my word to something completely outside of what I meant to write.

Who would you recommend Grammarly and the keyboard to?

Everyone, especially my mom.

What would be your advice for people who don’t identify as writers but rely on written communication in their everyday lives?

Ninety-nine percent of all problems start with miscommunication. The more we communicate using technology, the more we need to focus on the delivery of our words. You never know how a misspelled word or grammatically incorrect statement can change someone’s opinion of you or hinder your opportunities.

How has writing helped you improve your confidence as a public speaker?

When I know that the audience has read my work I feel more confident that they understand and will appreciate the subject matter.

Your writing, at its best.
Works on all your favorite websites
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