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7 Ways to Tell Someone They Are Beautiful

Updated on May 20, 2019Writing Tips
7 Ways to Tell Someone They Are Beautiful image

Gorgeous, handsome, cute…

How many times have you used these words? These classic terms serve their purpose, but it might be nice to mix it up a little. Here are seven different and interesting ways to compliment someone’s looks.

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If winsome is attractive, is “losesome” unattractive? Rather than relating to victory, the win- of winsome comes from the Old English word wyn, which means pleasure or delight. Winsome is not a common word, but you will find many references to winsome smiles in literature.


Stunning is an adjective that means capable of causing surprise, confusion, or a loss of consciousness. When applied to a person, it can mean striking beauty. Stunning can be applied to anything excellent, from a goal to a hat.


Comely can apply to a person’s appearance or behavior. Either way, it means attractive. A person with pleasing conduct and countenance is very comely indeed!


This synonym is difficult to pronounce. It means physically beautiful, but it looks a bit like putridness. Make sure you say it correctly (PUL-kruh-TOOD-uh-nuss), or the object of your affection may think you are calling them rotten.

Fine, Finer than Frog Hair, and Finer than Frog Hair Split Three Ways

Fine has always described things of superior quality. Fine evolved as a slang term meaning “especially good-looking.” Southern speakers went a step further, coining the term “finer than a frog hair.” This term, ironic because frogs don’t have hair, is even more interesting when it’s expanded: he is finer than a frog hair split three ways!

There are so many ways to express beauty. Shakespeare was an expert at giving compliments: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.” Would you like to flatter someone in your life? You may not be able to compare to Shakespeare, but you can impress your partner if you use some of the synonyms you learned today.

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