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Write an Encouragement Message, With 24 Examples

Updated on January 24, 2024Writing Tips

When you see someone in your life succeeding or doing something impressive, a quick “congratulations” is an easy message to share. But when someone is struggling, it can be harder to know how to provide support and what to say. That’s when an encouragement message can be a useful tool.

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Here’s what you should know about messages of encouragement, including why they matter and when to use them, along with some examples to give you inspiration:

What is an encouragement message?

An encouragement message is a note you write to someone who is experiencing a setback or a potentially difficult life event. It provides a way to show that you care and that, though the recipient may be going through a hard moment, you believe that they will prevail.

Here are a few occasions when such a message might be called for:

  • A crucial presentation or speech
  • A tough medical diagnosis or procedure
  • An important job interview
  • A big decision or life change (moving away, going to college, retirement)
  • A layoff

Just as the situations can vary, so do the channels you can use. You can send a message of encouragement via the postal service, as in a postcard or a letter, or through other channels, like a text message, e-card, or email.

The length of these messages can also vary, but often just a sentence or two will work. However, the more serious the situation, and depending on the closeness of your relationship with the person, the more in-depth your message can be. Your relationship with the recipient should also guide how formal or informal you should be, and whether or not humor is acceptable.

Why is an encouragement message helpful?

A message of encouragement can provide some much-needed support in a difficult time. For instance, if someone just lost their job, there’s a strong chance that they’ll be struggling in one way or another—worrying over finances, anxious about finding another job, or hurt and disappointed they were let go.

When life suddenly looks more uncertain, it’s possible to feel isolated. Someone who’s been laid off may think, “All my friends still have jobs, so I’m alone in this.” That’s why it can help to hear from someone who understands that the situation may be stressful. Letters of support show the recipient that they have people to rely on, which can help them through that time. Regardless, they’ll certainly be appreciative that you took the time to write to them.

Encouragement message examples

The message you write will depend on your relationship and the circumstances. Here are 24 examples of encouragement messages you may want to copy or adapt for different relationships and situations:

To a friend

1 I’m sorry you’re going through a tough time, but I know you’ll pull through.

2 Sending lots of love ahead of X. You’ve got this!

3 Life threw you a real curveball, but I know there are better things to come. In the meantime, please remember to be kind to yourself.

4 Keeping you in my thoughts as X. Looking forward to a smoother path ahead.

5 Perfection is overrated. The only thing you need to do now is believe in yourself as much as I do, and you’ll be golden.

6 Your efforts and resilience are an inspiration. Keep going!

To a partner

7 Success is only a matter of time, and until then, I’ll be here with words of encouragement and brainstorming sessions.

8 I’m sorry you’re facing X, but I’m proud of you for getting this far. This is just the beginning of all the good things to come. Love you!

9 I know setbacks like this are hard, but it’s not forever—especially for someone as special and tenacious as you are.

10 This is hard. There’s no two ways about it. Luckily you’re surrounded by a big group of people who love you and are here to help you through.

11 Remember that time when things were easier? Me neither! Let’s keep working on this so we can make some new memories.

12 I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader, even on those days when you’re not sure if X is worth the effort.

To a colleague

13 Good luck on the presentation today. You’re going to be great—and then you can show me how it’s done when it’s my turn.

14 So sorry to hear you’ll be leaving us—I’m going to miss you, but I know you’ll land on your feet. Good luck!

15 Your [insert specific skill here] is an inspiration. I have no doubt that you’ll smash [difficult, upcoming task/assignment].

16 Setbacks are never permanent. I know you’ll get it next time, and this will all be in the rearview mirror.

17 One day you’ll look back at this and laugh. Until then, we’ll be saving your spot in the office.

18 Career transitions can feel overwhelming, but you’re so talented and smart that I know you’ll succeed in whatever comes next.

In hard times

19 It probably doesn’t feel this way now, but I know you’ll be OK. Until that day comes, I’ll be here to support you in whatever way you need.

20 I’m thinking of you. You may not want to talk about it—and that’s fine. But I’m here when and if you ever need someone to listen.

21 I heard the news, and it’s not fair. Let’s not follow the rules—do whatever you need to feel better.

22 Recovery can be a difficult process, but I know your strength; we’re here for you in the hard times—and the good times to come.

23 It’s OK to feel however you feel right now; I know you’ll get through this.

24 It takes a lot of courage to X, especially when going through such difficult times. I’m so proud of you.

Encouragement messages FAQs

What is an encouragement message?

An encouragement message is a note or letter you send to someone going through a potentially difficult or stressful situation.

Why is encouragement important?

These messages can provide support at a time when someone you care about needs it the most. If they’re facing an uncertain period, hearing encouraging words can convey a sense of support and help them through.

What are some examples of situations when you can offer words of encouragement?

You may write these types of messages when someone has lost a job, has an important interview or speech coming up, or has received a tough medical diagnosis.

What are some quick, encouraging messages?

You might write things like “You’ve got this,” “There are better days ahead,” or “I’m here to help.” Keep in mind that using clichéd language can ring hollow in serious situations. So adding context and rephrasing is a good idea for those types of messages.

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