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4 Popular Writing Goals to Set This Year

Updated on April 8, 2022Writing Tips

Even Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg sets writing goals at the beginning of a new year. Back in 2016, she challenged herself to journal at least three of each day’s joyful moments.

We asked Grammarly blog readers, “What are your 2018 writing goals?” Their replies reflected the goals of accomplished writers, such as Nayomi Munaweera, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Callum Sharp.

1 To write.

An objective doesn’t have to be elaborate to be effective. Grammarly blog reader Sydney Petty’s goal is simple: “To write.”

According to the Huffington Post, writing is like physical exercise for your brain: “Like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. And habits formed in one area of life tend to spread; as keeping your office clean leads to keeping the bedroom tidy, your daily practice of writing will domino onto other healthy habits.”

How professional writer Nayomi Munaweera said it:

My New Year’s resolution for 2018 is the same as it’s been every other year: write more, write better.

Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great? Grammarly can save you from misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and other writing issues on all your favorite websites.

2 To improve your business.

Australia’s Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science states that writing “clear, well-defined goals” can help business owners “take control of your business’ direction.”

You can also use writing to attract new clients. For example, Grammarly blog reader Amanda Edens wants to record a writing podcast to boost her novel editing business.

How Simon Slade does it:

“As an entrepreneur and business owner, I have used journaling extensively, and the habit has been integral to my achievements.”

3 To write for enjoyment.

Belinda Tennyson posted her goal on Grammarly’s Facebook page: “I want to write poems.”

This year, why not write what makes you happy?

What marketing copywriter Callum Sharp pledges for 2018: “I want to do more work for me, not for anybody else. I write day in, day out . . . for an agency . . . I think it’s important to write first and foremost for myself. I’ve sidelined my book for quite some time now, and it intimidates me every time I go to pick it up. In 2018, I intend to overcome that fear and finish the damn thing.”

4 To master a second language.

Grammarly blog reader Eli Russell wants to learn British English for a move to London this summer.

Whether you are mastering a foreign language for travel or just for fun, writing is one of the most challenging aspects of the process.

In a 1995 study, Japanese researchers found that the most proficient bilingual writers transfer their learned skills from their native tongue. In other words, pre-writing, composition, and revision strategies continue to pay off when you use them to write in a second language.

How Jhumpa Lahiri describes writing in her third language:

“Italian offers me a very different literary path. As a writer I can demolish myself, I can reconstruct myself.”

At the end of 2016, Sandberg admitted that it was the first year she ever completed a New Year’s resolution. Will this be your year?

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