As a writer, it’s important to have a toolkit that goes beyond pen and paper.
Whether you’re looking for some inspirational prompts for your next creative writing project or a go-to resource for checking your grammar, the wonderful thing about the internet is there truly is a website for every possible writing need.
But with thousands of writing websites to choose from, how can you find the ones that will be most useful to you?
In addition to your character storyboards, easy-listening playlist, and warm cup of tea, every writer’s toolkit should include a range of handy writing websites. When writer’s block strikes, heading to a trusted writing website to pull yourself out of your rut is so essential.
From freelance opportunities to publishing advice, we’ve categorized the best writing websites so you can easily find the support you’re looking for—right when you need it most.
Here are the best writing websites to keep in your toolkit (and add to your bookmarks!) that every writer should know about.
For professional writing
1 BloggingPro
Looking to take on new freelancing jobs? BloggingPro provides a weekly breakdown of newly listed opportunities for freelancers. For content writers, this resource is invaluable; it might just put you in touch with your next great professional gig.
2 Grammarly
Every writer knows that good grammar can make or break your credibility. Using Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant as you craft that newsletter or compile an industry-wide report ensures your writing is clear, honed, and mistake-free.
3 Kikolani
If you want to level up your professional presence online, Kikolani offers tips and strategies for content creators. Learn how to attract clients, build a professional brand, utilize social media, and so much more.
For creative writing
4 NaNoWriMo
The National Novel Writing Month blog offers tools, inspiration, and a supportive community for aspiring novelists and creatives. Every November, NaNoWriMo hosts a creative challenge for those who really need some extra motivation: Participants race to complete 50,000 words of new writing.
5 Association of Writer & Writing Programs
Known to the writing community as AWP, this organization is one of the premier authorities on writing. Whether you’re looking to attend AWP’s annual writing conference or for publishing opportunities to advance your career, this writing website is an undeniably fantastic resource to keep in your back pocket.
6 Writer’s Digest
Since 1920, Writer’s Digest (also a popular print magazine) has been helping writers hone their craft and careers. This site not only offers daily prompts and practical techniques for getting those juices flowing, but also instructional workshops, writing competitions, and professional services.
>>READ MORE: 6 Tips to Help You Edit Your Own Writing
For productivity
7 Calmly Writer
If you find it hard to focus when it’s time to write, Calmly Writer is the perfect tool for distraction-free, productive writing. This writing website even offers a “focus mode” that highlights one paragraph at a time, making editing much more straightforward.
8 Scapple
Where do you keep all those 3 a.m. thoughts and musings? How do you arrange the ideas you have for new characters, client projects, or poems? With Scapple, you can easily make and take notes and connect them using lines and arrows for streamlined, organized writing.
9 Now Novel
Founded with the sole purpose of helping aspiring writers be productive, Now Novel makes it easy to work out the individual elements of your current project. This site lets you keep track of your progress, build outlines, and access personalized prompts to keep you motivated.
For publishing
10 Poets & Writers
From information on small presses and grants to literary magazines and agents, Poets & Writers collects everything you need to know about the world of publishing and stores it in one helpful place.
11 AutoCrit
If you’re a fiction writer preparing to send your novel out to publishers or agents, AutoCrit is an extremely valuable tool. The self-editing feature can point out areas in your work that need improvement, identifying issues in pacing, momentum, dialogue, word choice, and more.
12 Manuscript Wish List
New to the querying process? The site Manuscript Wish List (and the #MSWL hashtag on Twitter) make it easy to find and research agents who might like your book’s subject. Here, you can search for agents who represent your specific genre or see what your favorite agencies are currently shopping for.