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How to Write a Blog Post With AI

Updated on September 29, 2023Writing With AIWriting Tips

Blog posts remain one of the most effective ways to attract visitors to a website. Now, with burgeoning artificial intelligence, AI blogging promises to assist with—and in some cases take over—the content-marketing process.

But how can you write a blog using AI without getting results that read like a robot’s writing? In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about writing a blog post with AI, including what you can do with it and how to phrase your prompts. We also provide expert advice for first-timers.

Give your writing extra polish
Grammarly helps you communicate confidently

What is AI blogging?

In AI blogging, you use prompts to direct an AI program to write blog posts. The goal with this type of content writing is to share your or your company’s expertise, approach, or advice on a specific topic. These online articles contain SEO keywords that make posts appear higher in search-engine results, increasing their chances of being clicked. Additionally, these same posts can be shared on social media, attracting new visitors.

Now, AI technology can automatically generate these blog posts and other copywriting, reducing the time and costs of content marketing. Most AI text generators, including Grammarly and ChatGPT, can compose a complete blog post on any subject matter in a few seconds.

However, at this stage in its development, generative AI still makes mistakes, sounds robotic, and lacks nuance. This may change in the next few years, but for now, you should always edit AI blog posts to give them a human touch.

Luckily, even if you prefer to handle your content writing yourself, you can still use AI blogging for assistance. Brainstorming topics, creating outlines, or even writing a first draft are all jobs today’s AI can handle without breaking a sweat.

How to blog with AI

Creating a blog post requires both writing skills and marketing sensibilities. If you’re short on either, AI blogging can provide a quick and inexpensive alternative. Below, we explain how to blog with AI, whether you’re looking for writing assistance or ready-made content.

What are AI blogging prompts?

Before we get into content creation, let’s talk about AI writing prompts. For most generative AI programs, the user types their command in conversational language, and the AI does what the command says. This typed command is called a prompt, and you can write it as if you’re talking to a friend—e.g., “Write a blog post about how to pitch a tent.”

AI prompts for blog posts should include all the information you want mentioned in the article. In addition to the topic, you also want to mention this information:

  • audience
  • length
  • tone
  • SEO keywords
  • other specific, necessary details

Prompts for non-writing tasks, such as brainstorming and outlining, can be more open-ended, but they should still include all the necessary information.

Some prompts can get wordy, but you can make them as long as you need. However, the entire prompt must be included in a single message, as most AI programs treat each new message as a separate session.

How to blog with AI: Ideas

One of the best uses of AI is coming up with ideas. You can ask AI to suggest blog-post topics your unique audience will enjoy and then pick the options you like best. While some AI programs may have trouble writing full-fledged articles, they’re still perfectly capable of generating ideas you may not think up on your own.

You can also use AI to brainstorm SEO keywords, identify new audiences, discover marketing trends, or come up with entire marketing campaigns.

How to blog with AI: Outlines

Writing an outline can save a writer time and keep the final product structured and organized, but it can also be time-consuming. That’s why writers may use assistive writing to generate an outline.

AI outlines for blog posts can be as vague or detailed as you want. You can ask AI to compose an outline from scratch to help you think up new ideas, or you can share everything you have in a prompt and have AI organize it for you.

How to blog with AI: Articles

When it comes to writing, there’s no doubt that generative AI saves time. If you’re in a pinch, AI can compose a complete article in no time. The language might be a little stilted, and you risk using false information; however, in some cases, AI blog posts are better than nothing.

A good compromise for writing a blog post with AI is to use it only for a first draft and then revise it yourself later. That way, you can check for factual mistakes and touch up the language to make it sound less robotic.

Writing a blog post with AI examples

AI blogging examples were generated by Grammarly.

AI brainstorming example


Generate ten article ideas for a blog about English grammar. The audience is a mix of students learning English and professionals who want to improve their writing. The ideas should be fun and modern but still relate to language usage.

AI copywriting:

  1. “10 common English grammar mistakes and how to avoid them”
  2. “How to use proper punctuation in your writing”
  3. “The dos and don’ts of using slang in English”
  4. “Why grammar matters in English language learning”
  5. “The art of sentence structure: tips for improving your writing”
  6. “10 commonly confused English words and their correct usage”
  7. “The importance of active voice in English writing”
  8. “How to improve your English vocabulary with fun exercises”
  9. “The impact of technology on English grammar and language use”
  10. “The role of English grammar in effective communication”

AI blog outline example


Write an outline for this blog post: “The dos and don’ts of using slang in English.” The article should have five sections. Include a section at the end with a call to action to sign up for our email list.

AI copywriting:

I. Introduction

– Explanation of the topic and why it’s important

– Brief history of slang in the English language

II. The Dos of Using Slang in English

– Define what is appropriate and acceptable use of slang

– Give examples of slang that are commonly used in English

– Explain how slang can add color and personality to writing

III. The Don’ts of Using Slang in English

– Explain what is inappropriate and unacceptable use of slang

– Give examples of slang that should be avoided in formal writing

– Explain how overuse of slang can negatively impact writing

IV. Tips for Balancing Slang and Formal Writing

– Discuss how to find a balance between slang and formal writing

– Provide tips for incorporating slang into writing without detracting from the message

– Give examples of writers who have successfully balanced slang and formal language

V. Conclusion and Call to Action

– Summarize the main points of the article

– Encourage readers to sign up for the email list to receive more writing tips and resources.

AI blog post example


Write a blog post titled “The dos and don’ts of using slang in English.” The article should have five sections and be written for professionals who want to improve their writing. The tone should be casual and youthful but also authoritative. Use the SEO keywords “English slang” and “slang in writing.” Include a section at the end with a call to action to sign our email list. Follow this outline:


AI copywriting:

The Dos and Don’ts of Using Slang in English

Slang is an essential part of the English language. It’s a fun and expressive way to add personality and color to your writing, but it’s important to use it appropriately. In this article, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of using slang in English writing.

The Dos of Using Slang in English

When used correctly, slang can bring your writing to life. Here are some dos of using slang in English:

  • Use slang that your audience commonly understands.
  • Use slang to create a particular tone or mood.
  • Use slang to create a sense of familiarity with your readers.

Some slang words that you can use in your writing include “cool,” “awesome,” and “dude.” These words are frequently used in casual conversations and can add a relaxed and friendly tone to your writing.

The Don’ts of Using Slang in English

While slang can be a fantastic tool for casual writing, there are some situations where it’s not appropriate. Here are some don’ts of using slang in English:

  • Avoid using slang in formal writing, such as academic papers or business letters.
  • Avoid using slang that may offend your audience.
  • Avoid using slang that is not commonly understood.

Some slang that you should avoid in formal writing include “ain’t,” “gonna,” and “wanna.” These words are not considered proper English and may take away from your writing’s professionalism.

Tips for Balancing Slang and Formal Writing

Finding the right balance between slang and formal language can be challenging. Here are some tips for incorporating slang into your writing without detracting from the message:

  • Use slang sparingly and only when it adds value to your writing.
  • Make sure the slang you use is appropriate for your audience and the context of your writing.
  • Use slang in moderation and balance it with formal language.

In conclusion, using slang in English writing can be fun and expressive, but it’s important to use it appropriately. By following the dos and don’ts of using slang in English, you can create writing that is both casual and professional. If you want to improve your writing skills, sign up for our email list to receive more writing tips and resources. Writing is an art, and with the right tools, anyone can become a master. So go ahead and add some slang to your writing, but don’t overdo it!

If you’re looking to learn more about slang in writing and English slang, check out our other posts on the topic. Remember, using slang can be a great way to add personality and color to your writing, but it’s important to use it appropriately. Happy writing!

AI blog post FAQs

What is AI blogging?

Generative AI programs are great writing tools to help with blogging. You can use AI to brainstorm article ideas, compose outlines for posts, or even draft an article in seconds.

How do you use AI to write blog posts?

With generative AI, the user types a command, called a prompt, into the message window, and the AI accomplishes the task to the best of its abilities. Prompts can describe any task you want done, such as writing a blog post or locating other sources or materials.

What is a good AI prompt for an online article?

With AI blogging, make sure your prompts include all the details you want in your post. In addition to the topic, your prompt should mention the blog length, tone, SEO keywords, and any specific information you want in the article.

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