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How to Write Better Sentences with AI

Updated on October 9, 2024Writing With AIWriting Tips

Sentences are a cornerstone of communication in every language. How you craft sentences influences your message, not to mention that it reflects on you as the writer. Luckily, generative AI (gen AI) writing has a good handle on composing sentences grammatically and stylistically. AI sentences are now at the level where they can improve your message and help you say what you want to say—but you have to know how to use an AI writing assistant to get the most out of them.

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What are generative AI sentences?

Gen AI sentences are sentences revised or written by artificial intelligence. While we typically use AI content generation to create paragraphs or pages of original writing, you can also use it to improve individual sentences. Sometimes, a certain sentence gives you trouble, or a sentence is crucial for your writing, so you want it to be perfect.

Gen AI writing can work with all kinds of sentences and in most languages. When we’re writing, multiple ideas often compete for our attention. Gen AI can help you include everything you need when making sentences to make sure you don’t miss anything.

4 ways to use gen AI in sentence construction

1 AI for grammar and syntax corrections

First and foremost, AI writing assistants are experts in spelling and grammar. They act as instantaneous spell-checkers that can point out or correct any errors in real time so your writing is accurate and polished. Even professional proofreaders can make mistakes sometimes, so having an AI watch your back while you write is a great help for academic papers and work writing like emails.

While AI writing assistants like Grammarly have been around for years now, recent AI advancements have made them even more potent. AI is getting better at more complicated aspects of language like syntax, the order in which words are arranged to convey the right meaning—for example, the difference between only I said that and I only said that. Syntax can get technical sometimes, so it’s comforting to have AI support checking yours as you go.

2 Enhanced vocabulary AI

While grammar mistakes can harm your writing, an impressive vocabulary can enhance it. Using the right word in the right place gives your writing a speed and vigor that makes it more enjoyable to read, but doing so requires knowing the right words and when to use them. This also helps to keep your writing brisk by replacing lengthy descriptions with a single, more precise term.

You can always improve your word choice with AI vocabulary. Most AI tools know every word in existence, quite literally, so they can help you find synonyms or better replacements if you ask. Furthermore, AI can act as an easy-access dictionary if you don’t want to download too many apps.

3 AI for writing styles and tone

Unlike grammar and spelling, writing styles and tone are generally decided by the writer. These determine the personality of the writing, whether serious and formal or casual and friendly. If you’re having trouble getting the “voice” you want, you can always use AI for writing styles and tones.

Gen AI writing has progressed so far that today’s AI understands how to come across as sophisticated, laid back, enthusiastic, aggressive, or any other style you want. You can even give AI some of your previous writing and ask it to revise the content with a new attitude. This makes AI in professional writing even more helpful as a way to repurpose old content for a new audience that appreciates a different style.

4 Structure and clarity in AI sentences

Last, using AI sentences can add much-needed clarity in writing. What we are trying to say is often different from what we actually say, so when you’re having trouble expressing yourself, AI writing tools can advise you on the phrasing and format. If your early feedback suggests that readers are missing your point, see if AI can help you revise the flow to be clearer and more direct.

AI can be especially useful for long sentences with confusing messages. Using AI sentences to fix your own can improve focus in writing by removing unnecessary parts and rearranging the key pieces to make more sense.

AI and writing creativity: Using AI tools with a personal touch

The problem with using AI in sentence construction is the risk of losing your voice. At what point do your words stop being yours and start being a machine’s?

Keep in mind that an AI writing assistant is just that—an assistant. AI is there to help you get your message across, fix errors, and improve stylistic aspects like word choice. But if you’re using AI to do all the work for you, you’re not only losing the personal touch; you could be regarded as committing plagiarism (views on this are divided).

The solution is to combine AI and writing creativity by taking an active role. For starters, you can choose your AI writing prompts thoughtfully, mentioning nuances like style, tone, mood, and atmosphere. Most AI will know what to do if you type something like “in a stern but polite tone,” or “with a creepy mood.” In this way, you can personalize your generative AI writing to make it more your own.

Here’s a tip: Grammarly Pro learns your voice and can help ensure any AI sentences match your voice.

Above all, be selective about what parts of AI content generation you use and how much. Using occasional words and phrases is one thing, but copying entire, lengthy passages verbatim removes your personal touch. Save the AI text for moments when you need help, and trust your own writing voice when you don’t.

AI sentences FAQs

What is generative AI writing?

Generative AI writing is any text composed by artificial intelligence, based on instructions given to the chatbot in a prompt. You can use an AI writing assistant to suggest revisions and improvements on your own writing, as well as point out grammar and spelling mistakes.

How can you use AI in sentence construction?

If you’re having trouble expressing an idea, an AI writing tool can help you phrase and format your message in a way that readers will understand. Simply explain in a prompt what you want to say (and how you want to say it), and AI will help you come up with the right words. You can also use AI to look up the meanings of words in place of a dictionary or suggest new words in place of a thesaurus.

How can you write AI sentences in your own voice or style?

Instead of using AI sentences in their entirety, it’s best to use pieces like individual words or phrases. This allows you to style the majority of the text in your voice, giving it a personal touch that AI can’t quite match. Don’t forget you can mention which style or tone you want in your prompt to produce more accurate results.

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