Executive summary

Mitel Networks is a global market leader in business communications. Its content team produces a high volume of content weekly. Some of these teams rely heavily on subject matter experts inside the company to create the first drafts. These authors have varying experience writing and are often not native English speakers. In the past, Mitel’s content marketers spent nearly two hours editing each post to ensure the content was polished and met their high standards.

But now, with Grammarly Business deployed across all marketing teams, Mitel has seen a significant improvement in the consistency of writing style and quality across the company’s entire website, not just in Mitel’s blog posts. Thanks to the in-line assistance and generative AI, teams now spend only half the time creating and editing content, freeing up more than 200 hours per year for other important tasks. Even the company’s skilled press release writers consider Grammarly a “must-have” tool.

Overall, Mitel’s investment in Grammarly has increased efficiency, up-leveled output quality, and improved consistency, resulting in a 38x ROI.

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Too many blog post corrections, too little time

Mitel Networks uploads three or four blog posts weekly to promote its voice-over-IP unified communications, collaboration, and contact center products. Although Mitel is a large company, its social media team only comprises two people, so it relies on product marketers to provide content.

Each person has their own writing style, which created a lack of tone consistency when the content arrived at the desk of Jenn Prystupa, Mitel’s brand/social media manager. The members of the other teams aren’t trained writers, and some are not native English speakers. As a result, they were delivering posts with incorrect grammar, run-on sentences, and filler words. And as a whole, their disparate writing style did not align with Mitel’s brand voice.

Prystupa spent up to two hours revising each post to reflect the company’s tone and ensure flawless grammar and spelling. “As the blog’s editor-in-chief, I’m ultimately responsible for what goes out,” she said.

The extent of the revisions she had to make cut into the time she needed to spend fulfilling her other responsibilities, such as getting customer testimonials and managing social media. She had one direct report who helped her, but that wasn’t enough. She needed to scale content production without sacrificing quality or adherence to brand values. She also hoped to find a tool to help authors write more efficiently.

Mitel found what it needed with Grammarly and its built-in, in-line generative AI writing assistance. Prystupa and others within the organization already used Grammarly’s free version—and some had formerly used Grammarly paid offerings—so it was a natural fit for the company.

Training better writers, not simply producing better blog posts

Mitel invested in Grammarly across teams to teach employees in real time how to become better writers so they can create higher-quality, on-brand content at scale.

“My goal was essentially to train people to write better and consider our brand guidelines as they write,” Prystupa said. “We know that doesn’t always happen. But if they see suggestions as they write, they’ll learn from them, so they won’t make those mistakes next time. In that way, Grammarly is also an empowerment tool.”

Grammarly’s generative AI generates highly contextual, relevant, and on-brand content, helping employees quickly find the right words and tone. The company’s style guide is enforced through Grammarly, so employees receive real-time suggestions to help them use tone and language that’s on-brand in their communications before the content goes to Prystupa. That saves writers time and creates the consistency Prystupa requires before it comes across her desk.

“The style guide is right at your fingertips,” she said. “It’s not buried somewhere you must go find and reference. That saves time for both the writer and me.”

And because Grammarly’s in-line suggestions correct mistakes as users type and instantly offer ways to enhance copy flow, employees sound more professional.

“The option to revise to make sentences flow better has been great for the longer-form content,” Prystupa said. “It’s easy to miss when a sentence is awkward, especially when there is a lot of text to get through, and Grammarly spotlights places where the writer needs to look twice.”

Because writers don’t have to worry about grammar, tone, or sentence structure, they can be more creative and focus on their message.

A “must have” for the PR team

Even the public relations team’s skilled writers consider Grammarly a “must-have” tool. One team member uses Grammarly’s generative AI writing assistance to overcome writer’s block and produce a polished draft within seconds, jump-starting his creativity.

“Press releases can be repetitive,” Prystupa said. “There’s boilerplate formatting and language. So Grammarly’s generative AI features allow him to think about new and interesting ways to present the information. It unlocks his creativity.”

Prystupa described Grammarly as her “reliable sidekick” that helps her get work done faster.

Consistency and productivity

Now when someone visits the Mitel website, they experience the same tone and brand voice on every page, reinforcing the company’s messaging and the unity of the different business sections. “If the content sounds and looks different, people are going to get confused, and we’re not going to seem as reliable,” Prystupa said.

“But we have consistency in voice, tone, and quality, which translates to overall brand consistency and creates trustworthiness,” Prystupa said. “That’s important because we are such an established company. We want to ensure that the way we’re seen in the market is reflected in the content we put out there.”

Prystupa spends only 30 to 45 minutes editing a post now, saving her over 200 hours a year. That leaves more time for other, more strategic tasks, such as improving SEO and refining the social media strategy.

“I’m making fewer edits because most people use Grammarly,” she said. “Now I just refine and tweak.”

Instead of reviewing every blog and piece of social media content, Prystupa can delegate with confidence, knowing that the content will be mistake-free, clear, and on-brand. “Now that everyone around me is empowered to be a content producer, that means less time I need to spend on each blog, case study, or social media post,” she said.

Across the board, this has led to increased productivity, contributing to the estimated 38x ROI of using Grammarly.

“Grammarly Business feels like an executive assistant, but for writing, which is super helpful,” Prystupa said. “It gets the little things done, so the writer and editor are freed up for the bigger picture.”

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