Your Complete Guide to Commonly Confused Words
English is packed with words that sound the same but have different spellings, or have similar, yet distinct, meanings, which can lead to misuse and miscommunication. Check out the most frequently confused words and learn how to use them correctly in your writing.

Discover the Most Commonly Confused Words
Learn the meanings and correct usage of the most commonly confused words and phrases in the English language.
Abbreviation vs. Initialism
Abel vs. Able
Above vs. Over
Accessary vs. Accessory
Accident vs. Incident
Acronym vs. Initialism
Ad vs. Add
Adam vs. Atom
Adapt vs. Adopt
Addition vs. Edition
Adieu vs. Ado
Adverse vs. Averse
Aerial vs. Ariel
Afterward vs. Afterword
Air vs. Heir
Aisle vs. Isle
Ale vs. Ail
All vs. Every
All vs. Whole
Allowed vs. Aloud
Allude vs. Elude
Alluded vs. Eluded
Allusion vs. Illusion
Almost vs. Nearly
Along vs. Alongside
Altar vs. Alter
Although vs. Though
Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent
Amend vs. Emend
Abel vs. Able
Above vs. Over
Accessary vs. Accessory
Accident vs. Incident
Acronym vs. Initialism
Ad vs. Add
Adam vs. Atom
Adapt vs. Adopt
Addition vs. Edition
Adieu vs. Ado
Adverse vs. Averse
Aerial vs. Ariel
Afterward vs. Afterword
Air vs. Heir
Aisle vs. Isle
Ale vs. Ail
All vs. Every
All vs. Whole
Allowed vs. Aloud
Allude vs. Elude
Alluded vs. Eluded
Allusion vs. Illusion
Almost vs. Nearly
Along vs. Alongside
Altar vs. Alter
Although vs. Though
Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent
Amend vs. Emend
Amiable vs. Amicable
Amid vs. Amidst
Amount vs. Number
Anecdote vs. Antidote
Ant vs. Aunt
Ante vs. Anti
Anxious vs. Eager
Appraise vs. Apprise
Arc vs. Ark
Arise vs. Rise
Around vs. Round
Arouse vs. Rouse
Arrant vs. Errant
Ascent vs. Assent
Aspire vs. Inspire
Ate vs. Eight
Attain vs. Obtain
Aural vs. Oral
Axel vs. Axle
Axes vs. Axis
Babble vs. Babel
Backward vs. Backwards
Baited vs. Bated
Ball vs. Bawl
Band vs. Banned
Baron vs. Barren
Base vs. Bass
Amid vs. Amidst
Amount vs. Number
Anecdote vs. Antidote
Ant vs. Aunt
Ante vs. Anti
Anxious vs. Eager
Appraise vs. Apprise
Arc vs. Ark
Arise vs. Rise
Around vs. Round
Arouse vs. Rouse
Arrant vs. Errant
Ascent vs. Assent
Aspire vs. Inspire
Ate vs. Eight
Attain vs. Obtain
Aural vs. Oral
Axel vs. Axle
Axes vs. Axis
Babble vs. Babel
Backward vs. Backwards
Baited vs. Bated
Ball vs. Bawl
Band vs. Banned
Baron vs. Barren
Base vs. Bass
Bases vs. Basis
Bask vs. Basque
Bate vs. Bait
Bay vs. Bey
Bazaar vs. Bizarre
Be vs. Bee
Beach vs. Beech
Bean vs. Been
Beat vs. Beet
Beau vs. Bow
Because vs. Since
Been vs. Bin
Been vs. Gone
Beer vs. Bier
Begin vs. Start
Bell vs. Belle
Bemuse vs. Amuse
Berry vs. Bury
Berth vs. Birth
Better vs. Bettor
Biannual vs. Biennial
Biannual vs. Semiannual
Bib vs. Bibb
Bite vs. Byte
Bloc vs. Block
Blog vs. Post
Bask vs. Basque
Bate vs. Bait
Bay vs. Bey
Bazaar vs. Bizarre
Be vs. Bee
Beach vs. Beech
Bean vs. Been
Beat vs. Beet
Beau vs. Bow
Because vs. Since
Been vs. Bin
Been vs. Gone
Beer vs. Bier
Begin vs. Start
Bell vs. Belle
Bemuse vs. Amuse
Berry vs. Bury
Berth vs. Birth
Better vs. Bettor
Biannual vs. Biennial
Biannual vs. Semiannual
Bib vs. Bibb
Bite vs. Byte
Bloc vs. Block
Blog vs. Post
Cache vs. Cachet
Cache vs. Cash
Caddie vs. Caddy
Cain vs. Cane
Calendar vs. Calender
Calvary vs. Cavalry
Can vs. May
Cannon vs. Canon
Canvas vs. Canvass
Carat vs. Caret
Carat vs. Karat
Careen vs. Career
Cast vs. Caste
Caster vs. Castor
Cattle vs. Kettle
Ceiling vs. Sealing
Cell vs. Sell
Cement vs. Concrete
Censor vs. Censure
Censor vs. Sensor
Cereal vs. Serial
Cession vs. Session
Cheap vs. Cheep
Chic vs. Sheik
Childish vs. Childlike
Chile vs. Chili
Chili vs. Chilly
Chord vs. Cord
Chute vs. Shoot
Cache vs. Cash
Caddie vs. Caddy
Cain vs. Cane
Calendar vs. Calender
Calvary vs. Cavalry
Can vs. May
Cannon vs. Canon
Canvas vs. Canvass
Carat vs. Caret
Carat vs. Karat
Careen vs. Career
Cast vs. Caste
Caster vs. Castor
Cattle vs. Kettle
Ceiling vs. Sealing
Cell vs. Sell
Cement vs. Concrete
Censor vs. Censure
Censor vs. Sensor
Cereal vs. Serial
Cession vs. Session
Cheap vs. Cheep
Chic vs. Sheik
Childish vs. Childlike
Chile vs. Chili
Chili vs. Chilly
Chord vs. Cord
Chute vs. Shoot
Cite vs. Sight
Cite vs. Site
Classic vs. Classical
Clew vs. Clue
Climactic vs. Climatic
Close vs. Clothes
Coarse vs. Course
Coat vs. Cote
Collectable vs. Collectible
Collide vs. Crash
Collision vs. Collusion
Colonel vs. Kernel
Columbia vs. Colombia
Come vs. Go
Compel vs. Impel
Complacent vs. Complaisant
Complementary vs. Complimentary
Conceded vs. Conceited
Confidant vs. Confident
Connote vs. Denote
Conscious vs. Conscientious
Consider vs. Regard
Content vs. Contents
Continual vs. Continuous
Convince vs. Persuade
Coo vs. Coup
Core vs. Corps
Corp. vs. Corps
Cite vs. Site
Classic vs. Classical
Clew vs. Clue
Climactic vs. Climatic
Close vs. Clothes
Coarse vs. Course
Coat vs. Cote
Collectable vs. Collectible
Collide vs. Crash
Collision vs. Collusion
Colonel vs. Kernel
Columbia vs. Colombia
Come vs. Go
Compel vs. Impel
Complacent vs. Complaisant
Complementary vs. Complimentary
Conceded vs. Conceited
Confidant vs. Confident
Connote vs. Denote
Conscious vs. Conscientious
Consider vs. Regard
Content vs. Contents
Continual vs. Continuous
Convince vs. Persuade
Coo vs. Coup
Core vs. Corps
Corp. vs. Corps
Coy vs. Koi
Craft vs. Kraft
Crape vs. Crepe
Creak vs. Creek
Cubical vs. Cubicle
Curb vs. Kerb
Currant vs. Current
Curser vs. Cursor
Cypress vs. Cyprus
Dairy vs. Diary
Dam vs. Damn
Dear vs. Deer
Deduce vs. Deduct
Definite vs. Definitive
Defused vs. Diffused
Dependant vs. Dependent
Depreciate vs. Deprecate
Descent vs. Dissent
Desert vs. Dessert
Device vs. Devise
Dew vs. Due
Dialog vs. Dialogue
Die vs. Dye
Dieing vs. Dying
Disburse vs. Disperse
Discomfit vs. Discomfort
Disparate vs. Desperate
Craft vs. Kraft
Crape vs. Crepe
Creak vs. Creek
Cubical vs. Cubicle
Curb vs. Kerb
Currant vs. Current
Curser vs. Cursor
Cypress vs. Cyprus
Dairy vs. Diary
Dam vs. Damn
Dear vs. Deer
Deduce vs. Deduct
Definite vs. Definitive
Defused vs. Diffused
Dependant vs. Dependent
Depreciate vs. Deprecate
Descent vs. Dissent
Desert vs. Dessert
Device vs. Devise
Dew vs. Due
Dialog vs. Dialogue
Die vs. Dye
Dieing vs. Dying
Disburse vs. Disperse
Discomfit vs. Discomfort
Disparate vs. Desperate
Do vs. Make
Does vs. Dose
Douse vs. Dowse
Draft vs. Draught
Dredge vs. Drudge
Dual vs. Duel
Due vs. Do
During vs. For
Dyeing vs. Dying
Each vs. Every
Economic vs. Economical
Effectual vs. Effective
Eke vs. Eek
Elicit vs. Illicit
End vs. Finish
Especially vs. Specially
Exacerbate vs. Acerbate
Exceed vs. Accede
Exercise vs. Exorcise
Expedite vs. Expediate
Experience vs. Experiment
Facts vs. Fax
Faint vs. Feint
Fair vs. Fare
Farther vs. Father
Fate vs. Fete
Does vs. Dose
Douse vs. Dowse
Draft vs. Draught
Dredge vs. Drudge
Dual vs. Duel
Due vs. Do
During vs. For
Dyeing vs. Dying
Each vs. Every
Economic vs. Economical
Effectual vs. Effective
Eke vs. Eek
Elicit vs. Illicit
End vs. Finish
Especially vs. Specially
Exacerbate vs. Acerbate
Exceed vs. Accede
Exercise vs. Exorcise
Expedite vs. Expediate
Experience vs. Experiment
Facts vs. Fax
Faint vs. Feint
Fair vs. Fare
Farther vs. Father
Fate vs. Fete
Faun vs. Fawn
Fay vs. Fey
Faze vs. Phase
Feasible vs. Possible
Feat vs. Feet
Ferry vs. Fairy
Few vs. Phew
Finish vs. Finnish
Fir vs. Fur
Fit vs. Suit
Flair vs. Flare
Flammable vs. Inflammable
Flaunt vs. Flout
Flea vs. Flee
Floe vs. Flow
Flounder vs. Founder
Flour vs. Flower
For vs. Four
For vs. Since
Forbid vs. Prohibit
Forego vs. Forgo
Foregone vs. Forgone
Foreword vs. Forward
Formally vs. Formerly
Fort vs. Forte
Forth vs. Fourth
Fortuitous vs. Fortunate
Foul vs. Fowl
Full vs. Filled
Fun vs. Funny
Fay vs. Fey
Faze vs. Phase
Feasible vs. Possible
Feat vs. Feet
Ferry vs. Fairy
Few vs. Phew
Finish vs. Finnish
Fir vs. Fur
Fit vs. Suit
Flair vs. Flare
Flammable vs. Inflammable
Flaunt vs. Flout
Flea vs. Flee
Floe vs. Flow
Flounder vs. Founder
Flour vs. Flower
For vs. Four
For vs. Since
Forbid vs. Prohibit
Forego vs. Forgo
Foregone vs. Forgone
Foreword vs. Forward
Formally vs. Formerly
Fort vs. Forte
Forth vs. Fourth
Fortuitous vs. Fortunate
Foul vs. Fowl
Full vs. Filled
Fun vs. Funny
Gaff vs. Gaffe
Gail vs. Gale
Gait vs. Gate
Gall vs. Gaul
Gantlet vs. Gauntlet
Gel vs. Jell
Gene vs. Jean
Genes vs. Jeans
Get vs. Go
Gibe vs. Jibe
Gild vs. Guild
Giro vs. Gyro
Gnome vs. Nome
Gofer vs. Gopher
Gorilla vs. Guerrilla
Grace vs. Gracious
Graceful vs. Gracious
Grate vs. Great
Grateful vs. Thankful
Grater vs. Greater
Grease vs. Greece
Grill vs. Grille
Grisly vs. Grizzly
Gym vs. Jim
Hail vs. Hale
Hair vs. Hare
Hall vs. Haul
Handsome vs. Hansom
Hangar vs. Hanger
Gail vs. Gale
Gait vs. Gate
Gall vs. Gaul
Gantlet vs. Gauntlet
Gel vs. Jell
Gene vs. Jean
Genes vs. Jeans
Get vs. Go
Gibe vs. Jibe
Gild vs. Guild
Giro vs. Gyro
Gnome vs. Nome
Gofer vs. Gopher
Gorilla vs. Guerrilla
Grace vs. Gracious
Graceful vs. Gracious
Grate vs. Great
Grateful vs. Thankful
Grater vs. Greater
Grease vs. Greece
Grill vs. Grille
Grisly vs. Grizzly
Gym vs. Jim
Hail vs. Hale
Hair vs. Hare
Hall vs. Haul
Handsome vs. Hansom
Hangar vs. Hanger
Hart vs. Heart
Hay vs. Hey
Heal vs. Heel
Healthful vs. Healthy
Heard vs. Herd
Hi vs. High
High vs. Tall
Hoard vs. Horde
Hoarse vs. Horse
Hole vs. Whole
Holy vs. Wholly
Hostel vs. Hostile
Hour vs. Our
House vs. Home
Human vs. Humane
I vs. Eye
Idle vs. Idol
If vs. When
If vs. Whether
Ill vs. Sick
Immanent vs. Imminent
In vs. Inn
Incidences vs. Incidents
Incite vs. Insight
Incredible vs. Incredulous
Indict vs. Indite
Hay vs. Hey
Heal vs. Heel
Healthful vs. Healthy
Heard vs. Herd
Hi vs. High
High vs. Tall
Hoard vs. Horde
Hoarse vs. Horse
Hole vs. Whole
Holy vs. Wholly
Hostel vs. Hostile
Hour vs. Our
House vs. Home
Human vs. Humane
I vs. Eye
Idle vs. Idol
If vs. When
If vs. Whether
Ill vs. Sick
Immanent vs. Imminent
In vs. Inn
Incidences vs. Incidents
Incite vs. Insight
Incredible vs. Incredulous
Indict vs. Indite
Ingenious vs. Ingenuous
Innumerable vs. Enumerable
Jam vs. Jamb
Jibe vs. Jive
Jinks vs. Jinx
Key vs. Quay
Knap vs. Nap
Knew vs. New
Knickers vs. Nickers
Knight vs. Night
Knob vs. Nob
Knock vs. Nock
Knot vs. Not
Know vs. No
Lacks vs. Lax
Ladder vs. Latter
Lair vs. Layer
Lam vs. Lamb
Larva vs. Lava
Late vs. Lately
Law vs. Lore
Lay vs. Lei
Leach vs. Leech
Leak vs. Leek
Lean vs. Lien
Leaver vs. Lever
Lectern vs. Pulpit
Innumerable vs. Enumerable
Jam vs. Jamb
Jibe vs. Jive
Jinks vs. Jinx
Key vs. Quay
Knap vs. Nap
Knew vs. New
Knickers vs. Nickers
Knight vs. Night
Knob vs. Nob
Knock vs. Nock
Knot vs. Not
Know vs. No
Lacks vs. Lax
Ladder vs. Latter
Lair vs. Layer
Lam vs. Lamb
Larva vs. Lava
Late vs. Lately
Law vs. Lore
Lay vs. Lei
Leach vs. Leech
Leak vs. Leek
Lean vs. Lien
Leaver vs. Lever
Lectern vs. Pulpit
Lee vs. Lea
Lessen vs. Lesson
Levee vs. Levy
Liable vs. Libel
Lie. vs. Lye
Links vs. Lynx
Lives vs. Lifes
Load vs. Lode
Loan vs. Lone
Lock vs. Loch
Loop vs. Loupe
Losses vs. Loses
Lumbar vs. Lumber
Made vs. Maid
Mail vs. Male
Main vs. Mane
Maintenance vs. Maintainance
Maize vs. Maze
Man vs. Men
Manner vs. Manor
Mantel vs. Mantle
Marc vs. Mark
Marquee vs. Marquis
Marry vs. Merry
Marshal vs. Martial
Mask vs. Masque
Mason vs. Maison
Lessen vs. Lesson
Levee vs. Levy
Liable vs. Libel
Lie. vs. Lye
Links vs. Lynx
Lives vs. Lifes
Load vs. Lode
Loan vs. Lone
Lock vs. Loch
Loop vs. Loupe
Losses vs. Loses
Lumbar vs. Lumber
Made vs. Maid
Mail vs. Male
Main vs. Mane
Maintenance vs. Maintainance
Maize vs. Maze
Man vs. Men
Manner vs. Manor
Mantel vs. Mantle
Marc vs. Mark
Marquee vs. Marquis
Marry vs. Merry
Marshal vs. Martial
Mask vs. Masque
Mason vs. Maison
Masterful vs. Masterly
Mat vs. Matte
Material vs. Materiel
Matter vs. Madder
Maybe vs. Perhaps
Meat vs. Meet
Medal vs. Meddle
Medal vs. Metal
Metal vs. Mettle
Meteor vs. Meatier
Meter vs. Metre
Might vs. Mite
Mil vs. Mill
Mince vs. Mints
Miner vs. Minor
Moat vs. Mote
Moose vs. Mousse
Morale vs. Moral
Morn vs. Mourn
Morning vs. Mourning
Mucous vs. Mucus
Muscle vs. Mussel
Naval vs. Navel
Neice vs. Niece
No vs. Not
Mat vs. Matte
Material vs. Materiel
Matter vs. Madder
Maybe vs. Perhaps
Meat vs. Meet
Medal vs. Meddle
Medal vs. Metal
Metal vs. Mettle
Meteor vs. Meatier
Meter vs. Metre
Might vs. Mite
Mil vs. Mill
Mince vs. Mints
Miner vs. Minor
Moat vs. Mote
Moose vs. Mousse
Morale vs. Moral
Morn vs. Mourn
Morning vs. Mourning
Mucous vs. Mucus
Muscle vs. Mussel
Naval vs. Navel
Neice vs. Niece
No vs. Not
Od vs. Odd
Offal vs. Awful
One vs. Won
Open vs. Opened
Opportunity vs. Possibility
Ordinance vs. Ordnance
Overdo vs. Overdue
Overseas vs. Oversees
Pail vs. Pale
Pain vs. Pane
Parish vs. Perish
Parlay vs. Parley
Parody vs. Satire
Patience vs. Patients
Peace vs. Piece
Peak vs. Peek
Peak vs. Pique
Peal vs. Peel
Pedal vs. Peddle
Peer vs. Pier
Permit vs. Permission
Perpetrate vs. Perpetuate
Persecute vs. Prosecute
Personal vs. Personnel
Offal vs. Awful
One vs. Won
Open vs. Opened
Opportunity vs. Possibility
Ordinance vs. Ordnance
Overdo vs. Overdue
Overseas vs. Oversees
Pail vs. Pale
Pain vs. Pane
Parish vs. Perish
Parlay vs. Parley
Parody vs. Satire
Patience vs. Patients
Peace vs. Piece
Peak vs. Peek
Peak vs. Pique
Peal vs. Peel
Pedal vs. Peddle
Peer vs. Pier
Permit vs. Permission
Perpetrate vs. Perpetuate
Persecute vs. Prosecute
Personal vs. Personnel
Pi vs. Pie
Pidgin vs. Pigeon
Plain vs. Plane
Pleas vs. Please
Plum vs. Plumb
Podium vs. Lectern
Poor vs. Pour
Populace vs. Populous
Pray vs. Prey
Precedence vs. Precedents
Presence vs. Presents
Price vs. Prize
Primer vs. Primmer
Probable vs. Possible
Quarts vs. Quartz
Quean vs. Queen
Quiet vs. Quite
Quire vs. Choir
Quit vs. Quite
Rain vs. Reign
Raise vs. Raze
Raise vs. Rise
Raising vs. Rising
Rap vs. Wrap
Read vs. Red
Read vs. Reed
Pidgin vs. Pigeon
Plain vs. Plane
Pleas vs. Please
Plum vs. Plumb
Podium vs. Lectern
Poor vs. Pour
Populace vs. Populous
Pray vs. Prey
Precedence vs. Precedents
Presence vs. Presents
Price vs. Prize
Primer vs. Primmer
Probable vs. Possible
Quarts vs. Quartz
Quean vs. Queen
Quiet vs. Quite
Quire vs. Choir
Quit vs. Quite
Rain vs. Reign
Raise vs. Raze
Raise vs. Rise
Raising vs. Rising
Rap vs. Wrap
Read vs. Red
Read vs. Reed
Ready vs. Already
Real vs. Reel
Receipt vs. Reciept
Reek vs. Wreak
Remember vs. Remind
Residence vs. Residents
Respectfully vs. Respectively
Rest vs. Wrest
Review vs. Revue
Right vs. Rightly
Right vs. Rite
Right vs. Write
Road vs. Rode
Roam vs. Rome
Rob vs. Steal
Roe vs. Row
Role vs. Roll
Rota vs. Rotor
Rough vs. Ruff
Roux vs. Rue
Sac vs. Sack
Sail vs. Sale
Sauce vs. Source
Saver vs. Savor
Say vs. Tell
Scene vs. Seen
Real vs. Reel
Receipt vs. Reciept
Reek vs. Wreak
Remember vs. Remind
Residence vs. Residents
Respectfully vs. Respectively
Rest vs. Wrest
Review vs. Revue
Right vs. Rightly
Right vs. Rite
Right vs. Write
Road vs. Rode
Roam vs. Rome
Rob vs. Steal
Roe vs. Row
Role vs. Roll
Rota vs. Rotor
Rough vs. Ruff
Roux vs. Rue
Sac vs. Sack
Sail vs. Sale
Sauce vs. Source
Saver vs. Savor
Say vs. Tell
Scene vs. Seen
Scull vs. Skull
Sea vs. See
Seam vs. Seem
Serge vs. Surge
Shade vs. Shadow
Shear vs. Sheer
Shone vs. Shown
Shore vs. Sure
Sic vs. Sick
Sight vs. Site
Signet vs. Cygnet
Sink vs. Sync
Slay vs. Sleigh
Slight vs. Sleight
Soar vs. Sore
Sole vs. Soul
Some vs. Sum
Son vs. Sun
Sort vs. Sought
Sound vs. Noise
Spa vs. Spar
Spade vs. Spayed
Sea vs. See
Seam vs. Seem
Serge vs. Surge
Shade vs. Shadow
Shear vs. Sheer
Shone vs. Shown
Shore vs. Sure
Sic vs. Sick
Sight vs. Site
Signet vs. Cygnet
Sink vs. Sync
Slay vs. Sleigh
Slight vs. Sleight
Soar vs. Sore
Sole vs. Soul
Some vs. Sum
Son vs. Sun
Sort vs. Sought
Sound vs. Noise
Spa vs. Spar
Spade vs. Spayed
Tail vs. Tale
Tare vs. Tear
Taught vs. Taut
Tea vs. Tee
Team vs. Teem
Tear vs. Tier
Tenor vs. Tenure
The vs. Thee
Throes vs. Throws
Throne vs. Thrown
Tic vs. Tick
Tide vs. Tied
Timber vs. Timbre
Tire vs. Tyre
To vs. Two
Together vs. Altogether
Tole vs. Toll
Tommorow vs. Tomorrow
Tort vs. Torte
Tortuous vs. Torturous
Tough vs. Though
Tough vs. Tuff
Tow vs. Toe
Trader vs. Traitor
Troop vs. Troupe
Udder vs. Utter
Undo vs. Undue
Vain vs. Vane
Tare vs. Tear
Taught vs. Taut
Tea vs. Tee
Team vs. Teem
Tear vs. Tier
Tenor vs. Tenure
The vs. Thee
Throes vs. Throws
Throne vs. Thrown
Tic vs. Tick
Tide vs. Tied
Timber vs. Timbre
Tire vs. Tyre
To vs. Two
Together vs. Altogether
Tole vs. Toll
Tommorow vs. Tomorrow
Tort vs. Torte
Tortuous vs. Torturous
Tough vs. Though
Tough vs. Tuff
Tow vs. Toe
Trader vs. Traitor
Troop vs. Troupe
Udder vs. Utter
Undo vs. Undue
Vain vs. Vane
Vain vs. Vein
Valance vs. Valence
Vale vs. Veil
Vane vs. Vein
Vary vs. Very
Vial vs. Vile
Vice vs. Vise
Wail vs. Whale
Wain vs. Wane
Waist vs. Waste
Wait vs. Weight
Waive vs. Wave
Wake vs. Awaken
Want vs. Wont
Warn vs. Worn
Wart vs. Wort
Watt vs. What
Way vs. Weigh
We vs. Wee
Weak vs. Week
Wean vs. Ween
Wet vs. Whet
Where vs. Wear
Whig vs. Wig
While vs. Wile
Whit vs. Wit
Whoa vs. Woe
Valance vs. Valence
Vale vs. Veil
Vane vs. Vein
Vary vs. Very
Vial vs. Vile
Vice vs. Vise
Wail vs. Whale
Wain vs. Wane
Waist vs. Waste
Wait vs. Weight
Waive vs. Wave
Wake vs. Awaken
Want vs. Wont
Warn vs. Worn
Wart vs. Wort
Watt vs. What
Way vs. Weigh
We vs. Wee
Weak vs. Week
Wean vs. Ween
Wet vs. Whet
Where vs. Wear
Whig vs. Wig
While vs. Wile
Whit vs. Wit
Whoa vs. Woe
Abbreviation vs. Initialism
Abel vs. Able
Above vs. Over
Accessary vs. Accessory
Accident vs. Incident
Acronym vs. Initialism
Ad vs. Add
Adam vs. Atom
Adapt vs. Adopt
Addition vs. Edition
Adieu vs. Ado
Adverse vs. Averse
Aerial vs. Ariel
Afterward vs. Afterword
Air vs. Heir
Aisle vs. Isle
Ale vs. Ail
All vs. Every
All vs. Whole
Allowed vs. Aloud
Allude vs. Elude
Alluded vs. Eluded
Allusion vs. Illusion
Almost vs. Nearly
Along vs. Alongside
Altar vs. Alter
Although vs. Though
Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent
Amend vs. Emend
Abel vs. Able
Above vs. Over
Accessary vs. Accessory
Accident vs. Incident
Acronym vs. Initialism
Ad vs. Add
Adam vs. Atom
Adapt vs. Adopt
Addition vs. Edition
Adieu vs. Ado
Adverse vs. Averse
Aerial vs. Ariel
Afterward vs. Afterword
Air vs. Heir
Aisle vs. Isle
Ale vs. Ail
All vs. Every
All vs. Whole
Allowed vs. Aloud
Allude vs. Elude
Alluded vs. Eluded
Allusion vs. Illusion
Almost vs. Nearly
Along vs. Alongside
Altar vs. Alter
Although vs. Though
Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent
Amend vs. Emend
Amiable vs. Amicable
Amid vs. Amidst
Amount vs. Number
Anecdote vs. Antidote
Ant vs. Aunt
Ante vs. Anti
Anxious vs. Eager
Appraise vs. Apprise
Arc vs. Ark
Arise vs. Rise
Around vs. Round
Arouse vs. Rouse
Arrant vs. Errant
Ascent vs. Assent
Aspire vs. Inspire
Ate vs. Eight
Attain vs. Obtain
Aural vs. Oral
Axel vs. Axle
Axes vs. Axis
Babble vs. Babel
Backward vs. Backwards
Baited vs. Bated
Ball vs. Bawl
Band vs. Banned
Baron vs. Barren
Base vs. Bass
Amid vs. Amidst
Amount vs. Number
Anecdote vs. Antidote
Ant vs. Aunt
Ante vs. Anti
Anxious vs. Eager
Appraise vs. Apprise
Arc vs. Ark
Arise vs. Rise
Around vs. Round
Arouse vs. Rouse
Arrant vs. Errant
Ascent vs. Assent
Aspire vs. Inspire
Ate vs. Eight
Attain vs. Obtain
Aural vs. Oral
Axel vs. Axle
Axes vs. Axis
Babble vs. Babel
Backward vs. Backwards
Baited vs. Bated
Ball vs. Bawl
Band vs. Banned
Baron vs. Barren
Base vs. Bass
Bases vs. Basis
Bask vs. Basque
Bate vs. Bait
Bay vs. Bey
Bazaar vs. Bizarre
Be vs. Bee
Beach vs. Beech
Bean vs. Been
Beat vs. Beet
Beau vs. Bow
Because vs. Since
Been vs. Bin
Been vs. Gone
Beer vs. Bier
Begin vs. Start
Bell vs. Belle
Bemuse vs. Amuse
Berry vs. Bury
Berth vs. Birth
Better vs. Bettor
Biannual vs. Biennial
Biannual vs. Semiannual
Bib vs. Bibb
Bite vs. Byte
Bloc vs. Block
Blog vs. Post
Bask vs. Basque
Bate vs. Bait
Bay vs. Bey
Bazaar vs. Bizarre
Be vs. Bee
Beach vs. Beech
Bean vs. Been
Beat vs. Beet
Beau vs. Bow
Because vs. Since
Been vs. Bin
Been vs. Gone
Beer vs. Bier
Begin vs. Start
Bell vs. Belle
Bemuse vs. Amuse
Berry vs. Bury
Berth vs. Birth
Better vs. Bettor
Biannual vs. Biennial
Biannual vs. Semiannual
Bib vs. Bibb
Bite vs. Byte
Bloc vs. Block
Blog vs. Post
Cache vs. Cachet
Cache vs. Cash
Caddie vs. Caddy
Cain vs. Cane
Calendar vs. Calender
Calvary vs. Cavalry
Can vs. May
Cannon vs. Canon
Canvas vs. Canvass
Carat vs. Caret
Carat vs. Karat
Careen vs. Career
Cast vs. Caste
Caster vs. Castor
Cattle vs. Kettle
Ceiling vs. Sealing
Cell vs. Sell
Cement vs. Concrete
Censor vs. Censure
Censor vs. Sensor
Cereal vs. Serial
Cession vs. Session
Cheap vs. Cheep
Chic vs. Sheik
Childish vs. Childlike
Chile vs. Chili
Chili vs. Chilly
Chord vs. Cord
Chute vs. Shoot
Cache vs. Cash
Caddie vs. Caddy
Cain vs. Cane
Calendar vs. Calender
Calvary vs. Cavalry
Can vs. May
Cannon vs. Canon
Canvas vs. Canvass
Carat vs. Caret
Carat vs. Karat
Careen vs. Career
Cast vs. Caste
Caster vs. Castor
Cattle vs. Kettle
Ceiling vs. Sealing
Cell vs. Sell
Cement vs. Concrete
Censor vs. Censure
Censor vs. Sensor
Cereal vs. Serial
Cession vs. Session
Cheap vs. Cheep
Chic vs. Sheik
Childish vs. Childlike
Chile vs. Chili
Chili vs. Chilly
Chord vs. Cord
Chute vs. Shoot
Cite vs. Sight
Cite vs. Site
Classic vs. Classical
Clew vs. Clue
Climactic vs. Climatic
Close vs. Clothes
Coarse vs. Course
Coat vs. Cote
Collectable vs. Collectible
Collide vs. Crash
Collision vs. Collusion
Colonel vs. Kernel
Columbia vs. Colombia
Come vs. Go
Compel vs. Impel
Complacent vs. Complaisant
Complementary vs. Complimentary
Conceded vs. Conceited
Confidant vs. Confident
Connote vs. Denote
Conscious vs. Conscientious
Consider vs. Regard
Content vs. Contents
Continual vs. Continuous
Convince vs. Persuade
Coo vs. Coup
Core vs. Corps
Corp. vs. Corps
Cite vs. Site
Classic vs. Classical
Clew vs. Clue
Climactic vs. Climatic
Close vs. Clothes
Coarse vs. Course
Coat vs. Cote
Collectable vs. Collectible
Collide vs. Crash
Collision vs. Collusion
Colonel vs. Kernel
Columbia vs. Colombia
Come vs. Go
Compel vs. Impel
Complacent vs. Complaisant
Complementary vs. Complimentary
Conceded vs. Conceited
Confidant vs. Confident
Connote vs. Denote
Conscious vs. Conscientious
Consider vs. Regard
Content vs. Contents
Continual vs. Continuous
Convince vs. Persuade
Coo vs. Coup
Core vs. Corps
Corp. vs. Corps
Coy vs. Koi
Craft vs. Kraft
Crape vs. Crepe
Creak vs. Creek
Cubical vs. Cubicle
Curb vs. Kerb
Currant vs. Current
Curser vs. Cursor
Cypress vs. Cyprus
Dairy vs. Diary
Dam vs. Damn
Dear vs. Deer
Deduce vs. Deduct
Definite vs. Definitive
Defused vs. Diffused
Dependant vs. Dependent
Depreciate vs. Deprecate
Descent vs. Dissent
Desert vs. Dessert
Device vs. Devise
Dew vs. Due
Dialog vs. Dialogue
Die vs. Dye
Dieing vs. Dying
Disburse vs. Disperse
Discomfit vs. Discomfort
Disparate vs. Desperate
Craft vs. Kraft
Crape vs. Crepe
Creak vs. Creek
Cubical vs. Cubicle
Curb vs. Kerb
Currant vs. Current
Curser vs. Cursor
Cypress vs. Cyprus
Dairy vs. Diary
Dam vs. Damn
Dear vs. Deer
Deduce vs. Deduct
Definite vs. Definitive
Defused vs. Diffused
Dependant vs. Dependent
Depreciate vs. Deprecate
Descent vs. Dissent
Desert vs. Dessert
Device vs. Devise
Dew vs. Due
Dialog vs. Dialogue
Die vs. Dye
Dieing vs. Dying
Disburse vs. Disperse
Discomfit vs. Discomfort
Disparate vs. Desperate
Do vs. Make
Does vs. Dose
Douse vs. Dowse
Draft vs. Draught
Dredge vs. Drudge
Dual vs. Duel
Due vs. Do
During vs. For
Dyeing vs. Dying
Each vs. Every
Economic vs. Economical
Effectual vs. Effective
Eke vs. Eek
Elicit vs. Illicit
End vs. Finish
Especially vs. Specially
Exacerbate vs. Acerbate
Exceed vs. Accede
Exercise vs. Exorcise
Expedite vs. Expediate
Experience vs. Experiment
Facts vs. Fax
Faint vs. Feint
Fair vs. Fare
Farther vs. Father
Fate vs. Fete
Does vs. Dose
Douse vs. Dowse
Draft vs. Draught
Dredge vs. Drudge
Dual vs. Duel
Due vs. Do
During vs. For
Dyeing vs. Dying
Each vs. Every
Economic vs. Economical
Effectual vs. Effective
Eke vs. Eek
Elicit vs. Illicit
End vs. Finish
Especially vs. Specially
Exacerbate vs. Acerbate
Exceed vs. Accede
Exercise vs. Exorcise
Expedite vs. Expediate
Experience vs. Experiment
Facts vs. Fax
Faint vs. Feint
Fair vs. Fare
Farther vs. Father
Fate vs. Fete
Faun vs. Fawn
Fay vs. Fey
Faze vs. Phase
Feasible vs. Possible
Feat vs. Feet
Ferry vs. Fairy
Few vs. Phew
Finish vs. Finnish
Fir vs. Fur
Fit vs. Suit
Flair vs. Flare
Flammable vs. Inflammable
Flaunt vs. Flout
Flea vs. Flee
Floe vs. Flow
Flounder vs. Founder
Flour vs. Flower
For vs. Four
For vs. Since
Forbid vs. Prohibit
Forego vs. Forgo
Foregone vs. Forgone
Foreword vs. Forward
Formally vs. Formerly
Fort vs. Forte
Forth vs. Fourth
Fortuitous vs. Fortunate
Foul vs. Fowl
Full vs. Filled
Fun vs. Funny
Fay vs. Fey
Faze vs. Phase
Feasible vs. Possible
Feat vs. Feet
Ferry vs. Fairy
Few vs. Phew
Finish vs. Finnish
Fir vs. Fur
Fit vs. Suit
Flair vs. Flare
Flammable vs. Inflammable
Flaunt vs. Flout
Flea vs. Flee
Floe vs. Flow
Flounder vs. Founder
Flour vs. Flower
For vs. Four
For vs. Since
Forbid vs. Prohibit
Forego vs. Forgo
Foregone vs. Forgone
Foreword vs. Forward
Formally vs. Formerly
Fort vs. Forte
Forth vs. Fourth
Fortuitous vs. Fortunate
Foul vs. Fowl
Full vs. Filled
Fun vs. Funny
Gaff vs. Gaffe
Gail vs. Gale
Gait vs. Gate
Gall vs. Gaul
Gantlet vs. Gauntlet
Gel vs. Jell
Gene vs. Jean
Genes vs. Jeans
Get vs. Go
Gibe vs. Jibe
Gild vs. Guild
Giro vs. Gyro
Gnome vs. Nome
Gofer vs. Gopher
Gorilla vs. Guerrilla
Grace vs. Gracious
Graceful vs. Gracious
Grate vs. Great
Grateful vs. Thankful
Grater vs. Greater
Grease vs. Greece
Grill vs. Grille
Grisly vs. Grizzly
Gym vs. Jim
Hail vs. Hale
Hair vs. Hare
Hall vs. Haul
Handsome vs. Hansom
Hangar vs. Hanger
Gail vs. Gale
Gait vs. Gate
Gall vs. Gaul
Gantlet vs. Gauntlet
Gel vs. Jell
Gene vs. Jean
Genes vs. Jeans
Get vs. Go
Gibe vs. Jibe
Gild vs. Guild
Giro vs. Gyro
Gnome vs. Nome
Gofer vs. Gopher
Gorilla vs. Guerrilla
Grace vs. Gracious
Graceful vs. Gracious
Grate vs. Great
Grateful vs. Thankful
Grater vs. Greater
Grease vs. Greece
Grill vs. Grille
Grisly vs. Grizzly
Gym vs. Jim
Hail vs. Hale
Hair vs. Hare
Hall vs. Haul
Handsome vs. Hansom
Hangar vs. Hanger
Hart vs. Heart
Hay vs. Hey
Heal vs. Heel
Healthful vs. Healthy
Heard vs. Herd
Hi vs. High
High vs. Tall
Hoard vs. Horde
Hoarse vs. Horse
Hole vs. Whole
Holy vs. Wholly
Hostel vs. Hostile
Hour vs. Our
House vs. Home
Human vs. Humane
I vs. Eye
Idle vs. Idol
If vs. When
If vs. Whether
Ill vs. Sick
Immanent vs. Imminent
In vs. Inn
Incidences vs. Incidents
Incite vs. Insight
Incredible vs. Incredulous
Indict vs. Indite
Hay vs. Hey
Heal vs. Heel
Healthful vs. Healthy
Heard vs. Herd
Hi vs. High
High vs. Tall
Hoard vs. Horde
Hoarse vs. Horse
Hole vs. Whole
Holy vs. Wholly
Hostel vs. Hostile
Hour vs. Our
House vs. Home
Human vs. Humane
I vs. Eye
Idle vs. Idol
If vs. When
If vs. Whether
Ill vs. Sick
Immanent vs. Imminent
In vs. Inn
Incidences vs. Incidents
Incite vs. Insight
Incredible vs. Incredulous
Indict vs. Indite
Ingenious vs. Ingenuous
Innumerable vs. Enumerable
Jam vs. Jamb
Jibe vs. Jive
Jinks vs. Jinx
Key vs. Quay
Knap vs. Nap
Knew vs. New
Knickers vs. Nickers
Knight vs. Night
Knob vs. Nob
Knock vs. Nock
Knot vs. Not
Know vs. No
Lacks vs. Lax
Ladder vs. Latter
Lair vs. Layer
Lam vs. Lamb
Larva vs. Lava
Late vs. Lately
Law vs. Lore
Lay vs. Lei
Leach vs. Leech
Leak vs. Leek
Lean vs. Lien
Leaver vs. Lever
Lectern vs. Pulpit
Innumerable vs. Enumerable
Jam vs. Jamb
Jibe vs. Jive
Jinks vs. Jinx
Key vs. Quay
Knap vs. Nap
Knew vs. New
Knickers vs. Nickers
Knight vs. Night
Knob vs. Nob
Knock vs. Nock
Knot vs. Not
Know vs. No
Lacks vs. Lax
Ladder vs. Latter
Lair vs. Layer
Lam vs. Lamb
Larva vs. Lava
Late vs. Lately
Law vs. Lore
Lay vs. Lei
Leach vs. Leech
Leak vs. Leek
Lean vs. Lien
Leaver vs. Lever
Lectern vs. Pulpit
Lee vs. Lea
Lessen vs. Lesson
Levee vs. Levy
Liable vs. Libel
Lie. vs. Lye
Links vs. Lynx
Lives vs. Lifes
Load vs. Lode
Loan vs. Lone
Lock vs. Loch
Loop vs. Loupe
Losses vs. Loses
Lumbar vs. Lumber
Made vs. Maid
Mail vs. Male
Main vs. Mane
Maintenance vs. Maintainance
Maize vs. Maze
Man vs. Men
Manner vs. Manor
Mantel vs. Mantle
Marc vs. Mark
Marquee vs. Marquis
Marry vs. Merry
Marshal vs. Martial
Mask vs. Masque
Mason vs. Maison
Lessen vs. Lesson
Levee vs. Levy
Liable vs. Libel
Lie. vs. Lye
Links vs. Lynx
Lives vs. Lifes
Load vs. Lode
Loan vs. Lone
Lock vs. Loch
Loop vs. Loupe
Losses vs. Loses
Lumbar vs. Lumber
Made vs. Maid
Mail vs. Male
Main vs. Mane
Maintenance vs. Maintainance
Maize vs. Maze
Man vs. Men
Manner vs. Manor
Mantel vs. Mantle
Marc vs. Mark
Marquee vs. Marquis
Marry vs. Merry
Marshal vs. Martial
Mask vs. Masque
Mason vs. Maison
Masterful vs. Masterly
Mat vs. Matte
Material vs. Materiel
Matter vs. Madder
Maybe vs. Perhaps
Meat vs. Meet
Medal vs. Meddle
Medal vs. Metal
Metal vs. Mettle
Meteor vs. Meatier
Meter vs. Metre
Might vs. Mite
Mil vs. Mill
Mince vs. Mints
Miner vs. Minor
Moat vs. Mote
Moose vs. Mousse
Morale vs. Moral
Morn vs. Mourn
Morning vs. Mourning
Mucous vs. Mucus
Muscle vs. Mussel
Naval vs. Navel
Neice vs. Niece
No vs. Not
Mat vs. Matte
Material vs. Materiel
Matter vs. Madder
Maybe vs. Perhaps
Meat vs. Meet
Medal vs. Meddle
Medal vs. Metal
Metal vs. Mettle
Meteor vs. Meatier
Meter vs. Metre
Might vs. Mite
Mil vs. Mill
Mince vs. Mints
Miner vs. Minor
Moat vs. Mote
Moose vs. Mousse
Morale vs. Moral
Morn vs. Mourn
Morning vs. Mourning
Mucous vs. Mucus
Muscle vs. Mussel
Naval vs. Navel
Neice vs. Niece
No vs. Not
Od vs. Odd
Offal vs. Awful
One vs. Won
Open vs. Opened
Opportunity vs. Possibility
Ordinance vs. Ordnance
Overdo vs. Overdue
Overseas vs. Oversees
Pail vs. Pale
Pain vs. Pane
Parish vs. Perish
Parlay vs. Parley
Parody vs. Satire
Patience vs. Patients
Peace vs. Piece
Peak vs. Peek
Peak vs. Pique
Peal vs. Peel
Pedal vs. Peddle
Peer vs. Pier
Permit vs. Permission
Perpetrate vs. Perpetuate
Persecute vs. Prosecute
Personal vs. Personnel
Offal vs. Awful
One vs. Won
Open vs. Opened
Opportunity vs. Possibility
Ordinance vs. Ordnance
Overdo vs. Overdue
Overseas vs. Oversees
Pail vs. Pale
Pain vs. Pane
Parish vs. Perish
Parlay vs. Parley
Parody vs. Satire
Patience vs. Patients
Peace vs. Piece
Peak vs. Peek
Peak vs. Pique
Peal vs. Peel
Pedal vs. Peddle
Peer vs. Pier
Permit vs. Permission
Perpetrate vs. Perpetuate
Persecute vs. Prosecute
Personal vs. Personnel
Pi vs. Pie
Pidgin vs. Pigeon
Plain vs. Plane
Pleas vs. Please
Plum vs. Plumb
Podium vs. Lectern
Poor vs. Pour
Populace vs. Populous
Pray vs. Prey
Precedence vs. Precedents
Presence vs. Presents
Price vs. Prize
Primer vs. Primmer
Probable vs. Possible
Quarts vs. Quartz
Quean vs. Queen
Quiet vs. Quite
Quire vs. Choir
Quit vs. Quite
Rain vs. Reign
Raise vs. Raze
Raise vs. Rise
Raising vs. Rising
Rap vs. Wrap
Read vs. Red
Read vs. Reed
Pidgin vs. Pigeon
Plain vs. Plane
Pleas vs. Please
Plum vs. Plumb
Podium vs. Lectern
Poor vs. Pour
Populace vs. Populous
Pray vs. Prey
Precedence vs. Precedents
Presence vs. Presents
Price vs. Prize
Primer vs. Primmer
Probable vs. Possible
Quarts vs. Quartz
Quean vs. Queen
Quiet vs. Quite
Quire vs. Choir
Quit vs. Quite
Rain vs. Reign
Raise vs. Raze
Raise vs. Rise
Raising vs. Rising
Rap vs. Wrap
Read vs. Red
Read vs. Reed
Ready vs. Already
Real vs. Reel
Receipt vs. Reciept
Reek vs. Wreak
Remember vs. Remind
Residence vs. Residents
Respectfully vs. Respectively
Rest vs. Wrest
Review vs. Revue
Right vs. Rightly
Right vs. Rite
Right vs. Write
Road vs. Rode
Roam vs. Rome
Rob vs. Steal
Roe vs. Row
Role vs. Roll
Rota vs. Rotor
Rough vs. Ruff
Roux vs. Rue
Sac vs. Sack
Sail vs. Sale
Sauce vs. Source
Saver vs. Savor
Say vs. Tell
Scene vs. Seen
Real vs. Reel
Receipt vs. Reciept
Reek vs. Wreak
Remember vs. Remind
Residence vs. Residents
Respectfully vs. Respectively
Rest vs. Wrest
Review vs. Revue
Right vs. Rightly
Right vs. Rite
Right vs. Write
Road vs. Rode
Roam vs. Rome
Rob vs. Steal
Roe vs. Row
Role vs. Roll
Rota vs. Rotor
Rough vs. Ruff
Roux vs. Rue
Sac vs. Sack
Sail vs. Sale
Sauce vs. Source
Saver vs. Savor
Say vs. Tell
Scene vs. Seen
Scull vs. Skull
Sea vs. See
Seam vs. Seem
Serge vs. Surge
Shade vs. Shadow
Shear vs. Sheer
Shone vs. Shown
Shore vs. Sure
Sic vs. Sick
Sight vs. Site
Signet vs. Cygnet
Sink vs. Sync
Slay vs. Sleigh
Slight vs. Sleight
Soar vs. Sore
Sole vs. Soul
Some vs. Sum
Son vs. Sun
Sort vs. Sought
Sound vs. Noise
Spa vs. Spar
Spade vs. Spayed
Sea vs. See
Seam vs. Seem
Serge vs. Surge
Shade vs. Shadow
Shear vs. Sheer
Shone vs. Shown
Shore vs. Sure
Sic vs. Sick
Sight vs. Site
Signet vs. Cygnet
Sink vs. Sync
Slay vs. Sleigh
Slight vs. Sleight
Soar vs. Sore
Sole vs. Soul
Some vs. Sum
Son vs. Sun
Sort vs. Sought
Sound vs. Noise
Spa vs. Spar
Spade vs. Spayed
Tail vs. Tale
Tare vs. Tear
Taught vs. Taut
Tea vs. Tee
Team vs. Teem
Tear vs. Tier
Tenor vs. Tenure
The vs. Thee
Throes vs. Throws
Throne vs. Thrown
Tic vs. Tick
Tide vs. Tied
Timber vs. Timbre
Tire vs. Tyre
To vs. Two
Together vs. Altogether
Tole vs. Toll
Tommorow vs. Tomorrow
Tort vs. Torte
Tortuous vs. Torturous
Tough vs. Though
Tough vs. Tuff
Tow vs. Toe
Trader vs. Traitor
Troop vs. Troupe
Udder vs. Utter
Undo vs. Undue
Vain vs. Vane
Tare vs. Tear
Taught vs. Taut
Tea vs. Tee
Team vs. Teem
Tear vs. Tier
Tenor vs. Tenure
The vs. Thee
Throes vs. Throws
Throne vs. Thrown
Tic vs. Tick
Tide vs. Tied
Timber vs. Timbre
Tire vs. Tyre
To vs. Two
Together vs. Altogether
Tole vs. Toll
Tommorow vs. Tomorrow
Tort vs. Torte
Tortuous vs. Torturous
Tough vs. Though
Tough vs. Tuff
Tow vs. Toe
Trader vs. Traitor
Troop vs. Troupe
Udder vs. Utter
Undo vs. Undue
Vain vs. Vane
Vain vs. Vein
Valance vs. Valence
Vale vs. Veil
Vane vs. Vein
Vary vs. Very
Vial vs. Vile
Vice vs. Vise
Wail vs. Whale
Wain vs. Wane
Waist vs. Waste
Wait vs. Weight
Waive vs. Wave
Wake vs. Awaken
Want vs. Wont
Warn vs. Worn
Wart vs. Wort
Watt vs. What
Way vs. Weigh
We vs. Wee
Weak vs. Week
Wean vs. Ween
Wet vs. Whet
Where vs. Wear
Whig vs. Wig
While vs. Wile
Whit vs. Wit
Whoa vs. Woe
Valance vs. Valence
Vale vs. Veil
Vane vs. Vein
Vary vs. Very
Vial vs. Vile
Vice vs. Vise
Wail vs. Whale
Wain vs. Wane
Waist vs. Waste
Wait vs. Weight
Waive vs. Wave
Wake vs. Awaken
Want vs. Wont
Warn vs. Worn
Wart vs. Wort
Watt vs. What
Way vs. Weigh
We vs. Wee
Weak vs. Week
Wean vs. Ween
Wet vs. Whet
Where vs. Wear
Whig vs. Wig
While vs. Wile
Whit vs. Wit
Whoa vs. Woe
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Top 30 Commonly Confused Words
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are commonly confused words?
Commonly confused words may sound alike (homophones), look-alike (homographs), or have related but distinct meanings. For example, "their," "there," and "they're" are often misused because they sound the same but have different meanings.
What are homonyms, homophones, and homographs?
Homonyms, homophones, and homographs are all types of words that contribute to the complexity of the English language. Homonyms are words that sound alike and are spelled alike but have different meanings, such as "bat," which can mean a flying mammal or a piece of sporting equipment. Homophones are words that sound the same when pronounced but differ in meaning and spelling, like "night" and "knight." Homographs, on the other hand, are words that are spelled the same way but have different pronunciations and meanings, such as "lead" (to guide) and "lead" (a type of metal).
How can Grammarly help with commonly confused words?
Unlike most spell-checkers, Grammarly uses AI to detect the context of your writing and pinpoint when you’re using a word incorrectly. It will instantly suggest the correct form and offer a brief explanation so you can easily correct mistakes and learn as you write.
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Check out Grammarly’s guide to strengthening your writing skills for tips. Then make your writing more effective in real time by using Grammarly as your AI communication assistant everywhere you type. With Grammarly, you can go from idea to draft with generative AI, rewrite in a single click, and easily catch mistakes wherever you write.
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