Abel vs. Able: What's the Difference?

The word abel is a proper noun that refers to a person's name, famous for being the second son of Adam and Eve in biblical references. On the other hand, able is an adjective that describes having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something. While abel is specific and less commonly used, able is widely utilized in various contexts to indicate capability.

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Abel vs. Able

How do you use the word abel in a sentence?

The word abel is primarily used as a name, often in a religious or historical context. It is not a common word and is generally capitalized as it denotes a proper noun, specifically referring to a biblical figure. Abel is used less frequently in modern times except in reference to people carrying the name.
Examples of abel in a sentence
  • In the Bible, Abel was a shepherd who gave the firstlings of his flock as an offering to God.
  • The tragedy of Abel highlights the dangers of unchecked jealousy and violence.
  • My friend's Romanian grandfather is named Abel, which is quite unusual in our country.

How do you use the word able in a sentence?

Able is used to describe the capacity to perform an action or achieve a task. It signifies competence or skillfulness in various contexts, from physical abilities to mental acuity. As an adjective, able can modify nouns and show proficiency or suitability in a specific task or role.
Examples of able in a sentence
  • She was able to solve the puzzle quickly with her sharp wit.
  • After months of physical therapy, he was finally able to walk without assistance.
  • The team was able to deliver the project before the deadline, exceeding all expectations.

Abel and able definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Abel definition:
Abel refers to a proper noun and biblical figure known as the righteous son of Adam and Eve and the brother of Cain.

Abel parts of speech:
  • As a proper noun: Abel is uncommonly chosen for boys in some cultures.

Abel pronunciation:
Abel is pronounced as /ˈeɪb(ə)l/, with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Able definition:
Able is an adjective meaning having the power, skills, or resources to do something or accomplish a task.

Able parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The experienced mountain climber was more than able to lead the expedition.
  • As an adjective in suffix: The accountant's work was commendable, and he proved to be highly capable.

Able pronunciation:
Able is pronounced as /ˈeɪbəl/, with the emphasis on the first syllable and the 'e' often silent.

Abel vs. Able in a nutshell

The distinction between abel and able is relatively straightforward. Abel, as a proper noun, refers to a biblical character and is essentially used as a name. In contrast, able is an adjective commonly applied to describe someone's capacity to do something. Understanding the differences between these two terms is crucial for proper usage in written and spoken English.

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