Adapt vs. Adopt: What's the Difference?

Adapt and adopt are verbs with distinct meanings and usage. To adapt means to change or modify something to suit new conditions or to make suitable for a new purpose. It often refers to adjustments in behavior, processes, or structures. On the other hand, to adopt means to take up, choose, or accept something such as an idea, method, or child. It commonly refers to the act of legally taking another's child into one's own family or the embrace of a concept or practice.

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Adapt vs. Adopt

How do you use the word adapt in a sentence?

The word adapt is used when indicating the process of change to fit new situations or environments. It involves making something compatible or suitable for a new use or purpose. In literature and everyday speech, adapt can describe personal growth, the evolution of species, adjustment to new technology, or the modification of ideas.
Examples of adapt in a sentence
  • Animals must adapt to their environment to survive.
  • She adapted the novel into a screenplay.
  • Businesses have had to adapt quickly due to the digital revolution.

How do you use the word adopt in a sentence?

The verb adopt is used when referring to the act of accepting or starting to use something new such as a method or an attitude. It can also refer to the legal action of becoming the parent to a child not one's biological offspring. Adopt is appropriate when embracing or taking on something as one's own.
Examples of adopt in a sentence
  • The company decided to adopt a more aggressive marketing strategy.
  • After years of trying to conceive, they made the joyous decision to adopt a child.
  • Many countries are adopting renewable energy technologies at a rapid pace.

Adapt and adopt definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Adapt definition:
Adapt (verb): to make changes or adjust something to suit new conditions or a different purpose.

Adapt parts of speech:
  • Verb (transitive): Businesses must adapt their plans to navigate economic changes.
  • Verb (intransitive): Some species are better able to adapt than others.

Adapt pronunciation:
Adapt: /əˈdæpt/

Adopt definition:
Adopt (verb): to take something and use it as one's own; to legally take another's child and raise it as one's own child.

Adopt parts of speech:
  • Verb (transitive): The committee will adopt the new guidelines next month.
  • Verb (transitive): Many adults opt to adopt a pet from animal shelters.

Adopt pronunciation:
Adopt: /əˈdɒpt/

Adapt vs. adopt in a nutshell

While both adapt and adopt are verbs that deal with change and acceptance, they are distinct in their applications. Adapt describes the process of adjusting to new conditions, reflecting versatility or evolution. Adopt refers to the acceptance and choosing of something as one's own, which may include ideas, practices, or even legally becoming a parent to a child. Knowing the nuances between adapt and adopt enriches communication and ensures clarity in expressing change and acceptance.

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