Aisle vs. Isle: What's the Difference?

Distinguishing between aisle and isle is crucial for clear communication. An aisle refers to a passageway between rows of seats in a building, such as a theater or supermarket, or sections of shelves in stores. On the other hand, an isle is a small island or peninsula, often referenced in geography.

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Aisle vs. Isle

How do you use the word aisle in a sentence?

The word aisle is used in contexts that involve pathways where people can walk past rows of seats or goods. It's frequently used in retail, public transport, and event descriptions. When setting up venues, organizers consider the width and number of aisles to comply with safety regulations.
Examples of aisle in a sentence
  • Please keep the aisle clear to allow movement of the service trolley.
  • The couple chose to have their wedding ceremony outdoors, with a long, floral-decorated aisle leading to the altar.
  • During the clearance sale, customers crowded the aisles searching for the best deals.

How do you use the word isle in a sentence?

Use the word isle to describe a small island, especially when emphasizing its beauty or romantic appeal. It often appears in literature and travel descriptions when referring to exotic or remote destinations. Isles are commonly associated with picturesque landscapes and tranquil settings.
Examples of isle in a sentence
  • They decided to honeymoon on a secluded isle in the Caribbean.
  • Legend has it that pirates buried treasure on the isle centuries ago.
  • The isle was home to an array of wildlife, including rare birds and plants.

Aisle and isle definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Aisle definition:
An aisle is a narrow passageway between rows of seats in an auditorium, cinema, or between shelving in a supermarket or library.

Aisle parts of speech:
  • As a noun: They reserved seating close to the aisle for family members.

Aisle pronunciation:
Aisle is pronounced as /aɪl/, which rhymes with 'smile'.

Isle definition:
An isle is a small island or peninsula, often used poetically to evoke imagery of a remote, beautiful place.

Isle parts of speech:
  • As a noun: On our trip, we took a boat to the nearby isle to explore its beaches.

Isle pronunciation:
Isle is pronounced as /aɪl/, which is identical in sound to 'aisle'.

Aisle vs. isle in a nutshell

While aisle and isle are homophones, sound the same, and are sometimes confused in writing, they have entirely distinct meanings. An aisle pertains to the passages within structures and places where people gather or shop. On the other hand, an isle evokes images of small, often idyllic islands surrounded by water. Remembering the 's' in aisle could help you recall it relates to spaces that both start with 's': stores and seats.

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