All vs. every: What's the Difference?

While all and every might seem interchangeable, they serve different grammatical roles. All refers to the entire group of individuals or things as a collective whole, often used when emphasizing the group. On the other hand, every refers to each individual or element in a group considered separately, suggesting a focus on the components rather than the collective.

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All vs. Every

How do you use the word all in a sentence?

The word all is often used when referring to every member of a group or the complete extent of time or space. It can function as an adjective, pronoun, or adverb, depending on the context. When used as an adjective, it qualifies a noun, and as a pronoun, it can replace a noun phrase. As an adverb, it modifies an adjective or another adverb to signal totality.
Examples of all in a sentence
  • She packed all her belongings into the truck for the big move.
  • The crowd cheered as the runners entered the stadium, all eager to witness the final lap.
  • The stars were visible all night long.

How do you use the word every in a sentence?

The word every is used to refer to all members of a group, usually implying that there are no exceptions. It's appropriate when talking about frequencies or recurring events and suggests a larger, inclusive perspective rather than the focus on individual elements.
Examples of every in a sentence
  • Every member of the team must attend the weekly meeting.
  • He exercises every morning to maintain his health.
  • Every effort was made to ensure the event's success.

All and every definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

All definition:
The term all is used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. It can also imply being the only thing considered, without exceptions.

All parts of speech:
  • As a pronoun: All of the cake has been eaten.
  • As a determiner: All children need love and support.

All pronunciation:
The word 'all' is pronounced as /ɔːl/.

Every definition:
The term every is used to indicate each member of a group of people or things when considered individually. It can often represent regular intervals or occurrences.

Every parts of speech:
  • As a determiner: Every seat was taken at the concert.
  • As an adverb (used with 'time'): She succeeds every time she tries.

Every pronunciation:
The word 'every' is pronounced as /ˈevri/.

All vs. every in a nutshell

While both all and every can be used to refer to members of a group, all emphasizes the group as a whole or totality, and every highlights individual members of the group separately. All can be both a pronoun and a determiner, whereas every is typically used as a determiner before singular nouns. Understanding the nuanced difference between these two terms can greatly enhance the precision and clarity of your communication.

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