Amend vs. Emend: What's the Difference?

While amend and emend may sound similar, they serve different purposes. To amend is to make a change to something, often with the aim of improving it or correcting it. It's commonly used in the context of legal documents or statements. On the other hand, emend refers specifically to the process of revising text to correct errors. It's most often used in the editorial and publishing world.

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Amend vs. Emend

How do you use the word amend in a sentence?

Use amend when you are discussing the act of making modifications, often to improve or correct. This can apply to various contexts, whether you're talking about adjusting a piece of legislation, correcting behaviors, or even patching up relationships. It implies an enhancement or a fix to something already existing.
Examples of amend in a sentence
  • The committee put forth an effort to amend the outdated policy.
  • He promised to amend his ways and act more responsibly in the future.
  • The contract was amended to ensure fairness to both parties involved.

How do you use the word emend in a sentence?

The word emend is used to discuss the correction or improvement of a text, focusing on removing errors and inaccuracies. It is often utilized within the context of editing manuscripts, proofreading articles, and refining written works. This term is reserved for changes that enhance the accuracy or readability of a document.
Examples of emend in a sentence
  • The author worked closely with her editor to emend the draft of her latest novel.
  • Scholars came together to emend the ancient texts, striving to eliminate centuries of errors.
  • Before publishing, the manuscript required a final review to emend any remaining typographical mistakes.

Amend and emend definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Amend definition:
Amend (verb): to alter, modify, rephrase, or add to with the intent of improvement or correction.

Amend parts of speech:
  • Verb: They voted to amend the law to provide more aid to vulnerable sections of society.

Amend pronunciation:
Amend: /əˈmɛnd/

Emend definition:
Emend (verb): to make corrections and revisions to (a text) in order to remove errors and improve clarity or accuracy.

Emend parts of speech:
  • Verb: The publisher hired a new team to emend the texts and prepare them for the next print run.

Emend pronunciation:
Emend: /ɪˈmɛnd/, /iˈmɛnd/

Amend vs. emend in a nutshell

The key to distinguishing amend from emend lies in recognizing the context of their usage. Amend typically refers to improvements or corrections made broadly, encompassing legal texts, behaviors, and a variety of other applications. In contrast, emend is narrowly focused on the editorial process of correcting written materials. Both words indicate a change aimed at enhancement, but each operates within its specialized realm.

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