Amid vs. Amidst: What's the Difference?

The words amid and amidst are often used interchangeably, both meaning 'in the middle of' or 'surrounded by'. However, amid is the more commonly used variant, especially in American English, while amidst tends to have a more literary or formal air, and is more frequently seen in British English. Both are prepositions that set the stage for the location of an action or being within a certain environment or while certain events are taking place.

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Amid vs. Amidst

How do you use the word amid in a sentence?

The word amid acts as a preposition to indicate being in the middle of or surrounded by something. It is typically used to describe a physical or metaphorical presence within a larger group, event, or context. Few would choose amid to evoke a sense of poetry, preferring it instead for its straightforwardness and brevity in more modern prose.
Examples of amid in a sentence
  • He found calm amid the chaos of the city.
  • The small cottage stood amid a grove of ancient oak trees.
  • Discussions about the new policy arose amid concerns about data privacy.

How do you use the word amidst in a sentence?

The word amidst, while synonymous with amid, often carries a more poetic or archaic tone. It can be used in literature or when seeking to create a particularly evocative or old-fashioned feel. Amidst might be chosen for its lyrical quality or to infuse a sentence with a touch more character.
Examples of amidst in a sentence
  • Amidst the whispers of the forest, she felt an eerie sense of peace.
  • The scholars worked amidst the extensive archives, uncovering forgotten histories.
  • Celebrations erupted amidst the news of the team's unexpected victory.

Amid and amidst definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Amid definition:
Amid (preposition): In the middle of; surrounded by; during.

Amid parts of speech:
  • As a preposition: Amid the noise, her voice was barely audible.

Amid pronunciation:
Amid is pronounced as /əˈmɪd/.

Amidst definition:
Amidst (preposition): Variant of amid; in the middle of; surrounded by; during.

Amidst parts of speech:
  • As a preposition: She stood amidst the ruins, remembering the past.

Amidst pronunciation:
Amidst is pronounced as /əˈmɪdst/.

Amid vs. amidst in a nutshell

In essence, amid and amidst perform the same function and are almost always interchangeable. Amid is more common in contemporary usage and tends to be favored for its conciseness. Amidst offers a more old-fashioned or rhetorical flavor, making it a stylistic choice often reserved for written literature or formal texts. Recognizing the subtle distinction in tone between the two can enhance writing by conveying just the right nuance.

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