Appraise vs. Apprise: What's the Difference?

The words appraise and apprise may sound similar, but they have distinct meanings and uses. To appraise means to assess the value or quality of something, often used in contexts such as real estate and fine art. On the other hand, apprise means to inform or notify someone about something, typically used in formal communications.

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Appraise vs. Apprise

How do you use the word appraise in a sentence?

You use the word appraise when you want to describe evaluating the value or condition of an item or property. This act of assessment usually requires some expertise and often results in a written appraisal report. It's a key term in businesses dealing with goods of substantial value, such as art, real estate, and antiques.
Examples of appraise in a sentence
  • Before selling the vintage necklace, the owner decided to have it appraised by a reputable jeweler.
  • The bank required a professional to appraise the house before approving the mortgage loan.
  • During the divorce proceedings, they had to appraise the value of their shared assets.

How do you use the word apprise in a sentence?

The word apprise is used when referring to the act of informing or updating someone about a situation or set of facts. It implies a formal or official communication, often between colleagues or departments within an organization, but can also happen in personal contexts where informing someone is crucial.
Examples of apprise in a sentence
  • The manager apprised the team of the changes in company policy during the meeting.
  • As a shareholder, he was regularly apprised of the financial status of the business.
  • The embassy took steps to apprise citizens of the potential risks in traveling to the region.

Appraise and apprise definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Appraise definition:
Appraise is a verb that means to assess the value, quality, or content of an object, usually with expert knowledge.

Appraise parts of speech:
  • As a verb: They hired an expert to appraise the authenticity of the painting.

Appraise pronunciation:

Apprise definition:
Apprise is a verb that involves informing someone or giving them notice about something, often used in official or formal settings.

Apprise parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The diplomat was quick to apprise her superiors of the situation.

Apprise pronunciation:

Appraise vs. apprise in a nutshell

While appraise and apprise may be mistaken due to their phonetic similarities, their meanings are quite distinct. Appraise is the process of estimating the value of an object or idea, often requiring expertise. Apprise, however, is about informing someone, keeping them updated about events or changes. Remembering these nuanced differences is key to using the words appropriately in both professional and personal contexts.

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