Ate vs. Eight: What's the Difference?

The words ate and eight are classic examples of homophones, words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Ate is the past tense of the verb 'to eat', indicating that someone has consumed food. In contrast, eight is the number that follows seven and precedes nine. It's strictly a noun and is used in mathematical contexts as well as in everyday counting.

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Ate vs. Eight

How do you use the word ate in a sentence?

The word ate is a verb that describes the action of consuming food. It is used to express that the action happened in the past. For instance, you might say, 'I ate breakfast early today.' This word serves as a simple past tense construction in narratives or recounts of past events involving food.
Examples of ate in a sentence
  • She ate the entire cake herself and didn't feel guilty.
  • They ate at the new Italian restaurant and loved the food.
  • I was full because I ate too much at lunch.

How do you use the word eight in a sentence?

Eight serves as a noun or adjective within a sentence and refers to the number 8. When used as a noun, it might indicate quantity or sequence, such as 'I bought eight apples.' As an adjective, it describes a quantity that is one more than seven, as in 'She celebrated her eighth birthday.'
Examples of eight in a sentence
  • The clock struck eight and the show began.
  • He was proud to be in the top eight of his class.
  • There are eight planets in our solar system.

Ate and eight definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Ate definition:
Ate is the past tense form of the verb 'eat,' which means to consume food.

Ate parts of speech:
  • As a verb: She ate quickly before leaving for the airport.

Ate pronunciation:
Ate is pronounced as /eɪt/.

Eight definition:
Eight is a number that is one more than seven or one less than nine, often represented as '8'.

Eight parts of speech:
  • As a noun: Eight siblings shared the inheritance equally.
  • As an adjective: Her eighth birthday was a memorable one.

Eight pronunciation:
Eight is pronounced as /eɪt/, identical to 'ate'.

Ate vs. eight in a nutshell

Understanding the difference between ate and eight is key to clear communication. Ate is a verb that signifies the past action of eating, whereas eight refers to the numeral 8, which is used for counting or identifying quantity. Despite having identical pronunciation, /eɪt/, their uses in language are distinct and separate. Recognizing these differences ensures accurate expression in both oral and written contexts.

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