Attain vs. Obtain: What's the Difference?

While both attain and obtain suggest the act of getting something, their usage reflects different connotations and contexts. Attain typically conveys achieving or reaching a goal, often through effort or skill, and is associated primarily with intangible achievements or statuses. In contrast, obtain implies acquiring or gaining possession of something through a process or transaction, and is frequently used for tangible items or information.

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Attain vs. Obtain

How do you use the word attain in a sentence?

Use attain when you're referring to reaching or achieving something that requires effort or development over time. The term is appropriate for accomplishments, levels of skill, or milestones rather than physical objects. Attain often carries an implication of personal growth or achieving mastery.
Examples of attain in a sentence
  • After years of practice, she was able to attain a high level of proficiency in the language.
  • The team worked tirelessly to attain their goal of winning the championship.
  • He aspired to attain enlightenment through meditation and self-discipline.

How do you use the word obtain in a sentence?

The word obtain should be used when discussing the acquisition of something tangible or concrete, like an object, or something intangible, like permission. It is mainly used in contexts where such items are procured through a request, purchase, or discovery, without a particular emphasis on personal effort or growth.
Examples of obtain in a sentence
  • She was able to obtain the rare book she had been searching for at an online auction.
  • Before starting the renovation, we must obtain the necessary permits from the city.
  • The scientist obtained interesting results from the recent experiment.

Attain and obtain definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Attain definition:
Attain means to reach, achieve, or accomplish a goal, especially after sustained effort or endeavor. It is often used in contexts that emphasize personal or professional development or achievement.

Attain parts of speech:
  • Verb: She hopes to attain a significant role in the company one day.

Attain pronunciation:
Attain is pronounced as /əˈteɪn/. Stress is placed on the second syllable.

Obtain definition:
Obtain means to acquire or get possession of something, usually through an effort, procedure, or transaction. It applies to both tangible items and intangible assets such as information or legal rights.

Obtain parts of speech:
  • Verb: You can obtain your boarding pass at the airport kiosk.

Obtain pronunciation:
Obtain is pronounced as /əbˈteɪn/ with the stress on the second syllable, similar to 'attain'.

Attain vs. obtain in a nutshell

Understanding the difference between attain and obtain enhances clarity in communication. Attain refers to reaching or achieving, with a strong association with personal achievement or the completion of goals, often after persistent effort. Obtain, on the other hand, revolves around acquiring or gaining possession of things or information, typically through a process or arrangement. Keeping these definitions in mind assists in using each term correctly and effectively.

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