Aural vs. Oral: What's the Difference?

Aural refers to anything related to the ear or the sense of hearing. It's used in contexts that deal with listening or sound perception. Oral, on the other hand, pertains to the mouth, including speech or the act of speaking. It is commonly used to describe communication that is spoken rather than written.

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Aural vs. Oral

How do you use the word aural in a sentence?

The word aural is used when referring to hearing or sound. You'll often find it in discussions about music, sound design, or hearing abilities. Aural skills are particularly important for musicians who must distinguish different pitches and tones.
Examples of aural in a sentence
  • Students in the music class practiced exercises to improve their aural discrimination.
  • The aural landscape of the forest at dawn was filled with bird calls and rustling leaves.
  • Her aural nerve was damaged, resulting in a loss of hearing in one ear.

How do you use the word oral in a sentence?

The word oral is typically used in relation to the mouth or spoken communication. It can refer to verbal storytelling, oral examinations in academia, or aspects of health concerning the mouth, like oral hygiene.
Examples of oral in a sentence
  • The professor favored oral exams over written tests because they allowed for spontaneous discussion.
  • Good oral hygiene is essential for preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
  • She delivered an impressive oral presentation, captivating the audience with her clear and confident speech.

Aural and oral definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Aural definition:
Aural pertains to the ear or hearing. It is used to describe things relating to the sense of hearing or listening.

Aural parts of speech:
  • Adjective: The concert offered an aural experience unlike any other, with crystal-clear sound in every seat.

Aural pronunciation:
Aural is pronounced as /ˈɔrəl/.

Oral definition:
Oral relates to the mouth, specifically to spoken words or the actions of speaking.

Oral parts of speech:
  • Adjective: Experts say that children learn oral language skills most effectively through play and interaction.

Oral pronunciation:
Oral is pronounced as /ˈɔːrəl/.

Aural vs. Oral in a nutshell

Aural and oral are two terms often confused due to their similar pronunciation but they convey very distinct concepts. Aural relates to the sense of hearing and what we perceive with our ears. Oral, in contrast, is connected with the mouth, encompassing spoken language and related oral activities. Recognizing the context in which each word is used can prevent misunderstandings and promote clearer communication.

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