Axel vs. Axle: What's the Difference?

When discussing axel vs. 'axle,' it's important to understand that these two terms serve vastly different purposes. An axel is a jump in figure skating, named after its Norwegian creator, where the skater leaps into the air to make one-and-a-half rotations before landing. On the other hand, an axle is a central shaft for rotating wheels or gears, fundamental in the design of vehicles. While an axel is associated with a skillful athletic maneuver, an axle is a mechanical component crucial for transportation.

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Axel vs. Axle

How do you use the word axel in a sentence?

The word axel is typically used in the context of figure skating. It refers to a jump where skill and precision are essential, and is known for its difficulty. Skaters work for years to perfect their axel, which is considered a milestone in competitive skating. Coaches often emphasize the proper technique to master the jump successfully.
Examples of axel in a sentence
  • The young skater executed a flawless double axel, earning a high score from the judges.
  • After months of practice, she landed her first axel during the competition.
  • The crowd cheered as he completed a triple axel, a feat few skaters achieve.

How do you use the word axle in a sentence?

The term axle is often used in automotive contexts and mechanical engineering. It refers to the rod or spindle that connects the wheels of a vehicle, allowing them to rotate and bear the weight of the vehicle. An axle may be fixed to the wheels, rotating with them, or fixed to the vehicle, with the wheels rotating around the axle.
Examples of axle in a sentence
  • The mechanic found that the axle was bent, which is why the car was vibrating so much.
  • Off-road vehicles often have a strong axle to withstand the rough terrain.
  • During the inspection, they discovered the axle grease needed to be replenished for smoother wheel rotation.

Axel and axle definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Axel definition:
An axel is a figure skating jump originating from a forward takeoff and landing on the back outside edge of the other foot, making one-and-a-half rotations in the air.

Axel parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The axel requires a blend of power and elegance.

Axel pronunciation:
Axel is pronounced as /ˈaxəl/.

Axle definition:
An axle is a central shaft for a rotating wheel or gear.

Axle parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The truck's axle broke under the heavy load.

Axle pronunciation:
Axle is pronounced as /ˈaksl̩/.

Axel vs. Axle in a nutshell

Understanding the difference between axel and axle is straightforward once their distinct contexts are defined. An axel is a specialized term used in figure skating describing a jump, while an axle is a mechanical part integral to the function of vehicles. Their pronunciation is slightly different but easy to master, and they are both nouns. Remembering that axel has an 'e' for elegance in ice skating, and axle has an 'e' for engineering in mechanics can help in distinguishing these terms.

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