Bait vs. Bate: What's the Difference?

Understanding the distinction between bait and bate is essential in English, as the two terms have different meanings and uses. Bait refers to a substance used to lure and capture animals, often as part of hunting or fishing. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something used to entice a person into a particular action. In contrast, bate is a verb meaning to reduce the intensity of something or to restrain. It can also mean to eagerly desire, as in 'to bate one’s breath in anticipation'.

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Bait vs. Bate

How do you use the word bait in a sentence?

Use the word bait when referring to a lure or enticement. It typically denotes something offered to attract or tempt someone or something, particularly hunters or fishermen using it to catch prey. Bait can also metaphorically suggest something that draws individuals into a situation for a particular purpose.
Examples of bait in a sentence
  • He carefully placed the bait on the hook, hoping to catch a large bass.
  • The marketing team designed the ad as bait to draw potential customers.
  • Rather than responding to the provocations, he avoided taking the bait.

How do you use the word bate in a sentence?

The word bate is less commonly used in modern English but is appropriate when discussing the reduction of force or intensity of something. It can also be used when referring to the act of holding back or diminishing eagerness or another emotion. The term is often encountered in literature and historical contexts.
Examples of bate in a sentence
  • The crowd's uproar began to bate as the speaker's soothing words took effect.
  • With the approach of the holidays, it was hard to bate her excitement.
  • He did not bate his efforts even when it started raining heavily.

Bait and bate definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bait definition:
Bait is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to food or another lure used to attract prey or fish. As a verb, it means to deliberately annoy or taunt someone or to equip a hook, trap, or fishing line with bait.

Bait parts of speech:
  • As a noun, bait can be used in a sentence like, 'The fisherman selected the best bait for trout from his tackle box.'
  • As a verb, bait may appear in a context such as, 'She would often bait her brother with clever jokes until he smiled.'

Bait pronunciation:
Bait is pronounced as /beɪt/, with a long 'a' sound similar to 'ate'.

Bate definition:
Bate is primarily a verb, which means to lessen, reduce or remove, especially feelings of nervousness or intensity. Historically, bate has been used to indicate clipping or cutting down, as in 'to bate one's wings' for a falcon.

Bate parts of speech:
  • As an intransitive verb, bate could be found in older literature, 'His fury bated when he realized the misunderstanding.'
  • In a now-rarer use, it can also be a transitive verb: 'He could not bate his enthusiasm even in front of the stern judge.'

Bate pronunciation:
Bate is pronounced as /beɪt/, identically to 'bait', despite their different meanings.

Bait vs. bate in a nutshell

While bait and bate are homophones with identical pronunciations /beɪt/, they serve distinct roles in the English language. Bait is primarily associated with the act of enticing or luring, and as such, it often finds use in the context of hunting and fishing, or metaphorically in various aspects of human interaction. On the other hand, to bate is to diminish intensity or eagerness, capturing a more subdued action that is less commonly encountered in modern vernacular. Recognizing when to use each term is key to conveying the correct meaning in both written and spoken communication.

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