Ball vs. Bawl: What's the Difference?

The words ball and bawl are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, but they have entirely different meanings. A ball is a round object used in many games and sports; it is also a social gathering for dancing. Bawl, on the other hand, means to cry or shout loudly, especially in a way that shows distress or anger.

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Ball vs. Bawl

How do you use the word ball in a sentence?

The word ball is used to refer to a spherical object, often used in various sports or as a toy. It can also refer to a formal event centered around dancing. Depending on the sentence, it could be a noun referring to the object or the event.
Examples of ball in a sentence
  • She kicked the ball toward the goal with precision.
  • They attended a lavish ball at the city's grandest hotel.
  • The young puppy chased the bouncing ball across the yard.

How do you use the word bawl in a sentence?

Bawl is a verb that denotes a loud outcry or crying, often associated with distress, frustration, or pain. It's used to stress the volume or intensity of the action rather than its cause.
Examples of bawl in a sentence
  • The baby started to bawl as soon as they left the room.
  • Sometimes, when she's alone, she just needs to bawl her eyes out and let it all go.
  • The movie was so emotional that the entire audience started to bawl during the final scene.

Ball and bawl definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Ball definition:
1. A spherical object used in games and sports; 2. A formal social gathering for dancing.

Ball parts of speech:
  • As a noun: He bought a new soccer ball for the match.
  • As a noun: The invitation stated the ball would commence at eight o'clock in the evening.

Ball pronunciation:
Phonetically it's pronounced as /bɔːl/.

Bawl definition:
To shout or cry out loudly and unrestrainedly.

Bawl parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The child would bawl every time he was denied candy.
  • As a verb: You could hear her bawling from the last row of the auditorium.

Bawl pronunciation:
Phonetically it's pronounced as /bɔːl/, which can be confusing as it sounds identical to ball.

Ball vs. Bawl in a nutshell

While ball and bawl may share similar sounds, they live in separate realms of meaning. A ball is a sphere used for play or a fancy event, while to bawl is to cry out loudly and emotionally. Remember, whether you're going to a ball or just need a good bawl, the two should not be interchanged. The clarity of communication hinges on such nuanced differences in language.

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