Bases vs. Basis: What's the Difference?

Understanding the distinction between bases and basis is crucial for correct usage. Bases is the plural of 'base,' which can refer to the bottom support of something, or the main ingredient or foundation of an idea or system, among other definitions. In contrast, basis is a singular noun that signifies the underlying support or principle for something, such as a line of reasoning or a method.

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Bases vs. Basis

How do you use the word bases in a sentence?

Use bases to describe multiple starting points or foundations for actions and structures. It can also refer to multiple main substances from which something is developed or several locations used by military or other operations.
Examples of bases in a sentence
  • The scientific study expanded upon various bases to ensure a comprehensive analysis.
  • The military commander discussed strategies for securing all forward operating bases across the region.
  • As an artist, she explores different bases of her craft, including oil, acrylic, and watercolor mediums.

How do you use the word basis in a sentence?

The word basis is used to describe the main support or fundamental principle that underlies an argument, action, or process. It is singular and often signifies the grounds upon which something stands or is founded.
Examples of basis in a sentence
  • The hypothesis formed the basis of her research into the origins of the universe.
  • We need to have a fair and consistent basis for the evaluation of all job applicants.
  • Trust is the basis for any strong relationship, without which it's difficult to build a future.

Bases and basis definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bases definition:
Bases are the plural form of the noun 'base,' which denotes multiple supporting structures, key components, substances, or headquarters.

Bases parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The architectural integrity of the building relies on its solid bases.

Bases pronunciation:
Bases is pronounced as /beɪsɪz/.

Basis definition:
Basis is a singular noun that refers to the main underlying support or principle of something.

Basis parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The entire theory has a solid basis in quantum physics.

Basis pronunciation:
Basis is pronounced as /ˈbeɪsɪs/.

Bases vs. Basis in a nutshell

Bases are the plural noun referring to several foundations, substances, or central points, while basis is a singular noun meaning the main supporting principle for something. It’s essential to use bases when speaking of more than one foundation or key element, and basis to discuss a singular conceptual or structural underpinning. Recognizing this difference helps avoid confusion and ensures precise communication.

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