Bazaar vs. Bizarre: What's the Difference?

Bazaar and bizarre often confuse due to their similar pronunciation, but they could not be more different in meaning. A bazaar is a marketplace characterized by a variety of goods and stalls, often found in the Middle East and South Asia. Bizarre, on the other hand, refers to something that is very strange or unusual in style, appearance, or behavior.

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Bazaar vs. Bizarre

How do you use the word bazaar in a sentence?

Use the word bazaar when you're referring to a traditional market that sells a wide range of commodities, especially a Middle Eastern or South Asian market. It's typically bustling with shoppers and is a cultural and commercial hub within a city.
Examples of bazaar in a sentence
  • The annual Christmas bazaar was the perfect place to find handcrafted gifts.
  • Tourists flocked to the old city to experience its famous bazaar and indulge in local delicacies.
  • At the bazaar, you can haggle with vendors to get the best prices on spices and textiles.

How do you use the word bizarre in a sentence?

Bizarre is used to describe something that is outlandishly unconventional or odd. Often employed to capture the attention in stories or to express disbelief at unusual events or behaviors, it adds a touch of the extraordinary or the peculiar.
Examples of bizarre in a sentence
  • The artist's latest exhibition is filled with bizarre sculptures that challenge conventional beauty.
  • She heard a bizarre noise coming from the attic late at night.
  • Everyone at the party was startled by his bizarre appearance.

Bazaar and bizarre definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bazaar definition:
A bazaar is a permanently enclosed marketplace or street where goods and services are exchanged or sold.

Bazaar parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The bazaar buzzed with energy as merchants displayed their colorful wares.

Bazaar pronunciation:
Bazaar is pronounced as /bəˈzɑːr/.

Bizarre definition:
Bizarre is an adjective meaning very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.

Bizarre parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: Her bizarre behavior at the meeting left everyone confused.

Bizarre pronunciation:
Bizarre is pronounced as /bɪˈzɑːr/.

Bazaar vs. bizarre in a nutshell

In a nutshell, while bazaar and bizarre may sound without context almost indistinguishable, they represent entirely different concepts. A bazaar denotes a market filled with commerce and culture, offering a diverse array of goods for sale. Bizarre describes the peculiar, the outlandish, and that which deviates from the norm. Recognizing the contexts in which these words flourish is key to utilizing them effectively in written and spoken language.

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