Bell vs. Belle: What's the Difference?

Bell and belle are two words that are pronounced the same but have entirely different meanings and uses. A bell is a hollow instrument, usually made of metal, which emits a ringing sound when struck. Belle, on the other hand, is a term used to describe a beautiful and charming woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event or in a specific context.

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Bell vs. Belle

How do you use the word bell in a sentence?

The word bell is typically used in contexts related to sound or as part of various idioms. It often refers to the device used in religious ceremonies, schools, or as a signal, such as to mark the hour or call people to action. Bell also appears in phrases where it signifies the beginning or end of something.
Examples of bell in a sentence
  • The bell at the old church rings every hour on the hour.
  • During the boxing match, the fighters returned to their corners at the sound of the bell.
  • Her bicycle features a small bell that she rings to alert pedestrians.

How do you use the word belle in a sentence?

Belle is used to emphasize the beauty and charm of a woman, particularly in a social context where she stands out the most. It is often associated with the Southern United States and might appear in historical or literary contexts referencing social events like balls or galas.
Examples of belle in a sentence
  • She was the belle of the ball, captivating everyone with her grace and elegance.
  • Savannah's reputation as the charming southern belle won her many admirers.
  • The novel's heroine is described as the belle of her small town, with suitors lining up for her attention.

Bell and belle definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bell definition:
A bell is a device that produces sound when struck or rung, typically made out of metal and shaped like a cup or bowl with a flared opening.

Bell parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The old train still has an original bell that rings sharply.
  • As a verb (less common): He bellied the church bell to summon the villagers.

Bell pronunciation:
Bell is pronounced as /bɛl/, with a short 'e' sound as in 'pet'.

Belle definition:
A belle is a woman who is beautiful and admired, particularly the most beautiful woman among a social group or at an event.

Belle parts of speech:
  • As a noun: Everyone agreed that Amelia was the belle of the annual harvest festival.

Belle pronunciation:
Belle is pronounced in the same way as bell, /bɛl/, although in some accents a slightly longer 'e' might be detected.

Bell vs. Belle in a nutshell

While bell and belle may share their pronunciation, they diverge sharply in meaning. Bell is most commonly used to refer to a sound-emitting device, associated with announcements or signals. Belle connotes beauty and charm, typically highlighting a woman's social prominence. These distinctions are essential to understand to prevent confusion in written and spoken contexts despite their phonetic similarity.

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