Bib vs. Bibb: What's the Difference?

The term bib typically refers to a piece of clothing used for infants or adults that covers the chest area to protect clothing from accidental spills. On the other hand, bibb specifically relates to a type of valve used in plumbing to control the release of water, often found on outdoor faucets. The context of use is the main distinguishing feature between these two terms.

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Bib vs. Bibb

How do you use the word bib in a sentence?

The word bib is commonly used to describe the garment worn while eating to prevent food stains on clothing. It is usually associated with baby care but can also be used for adults, especially in contexts like lobster dinners where diners might wear a large bib.
Examples of bib in a sentence
  • Please put a bib on the baby before feeding her to avoid a mess.
  • The marathon runners each wore a bib number so they could be identified during the race.
  • I always wear a bib when eating spaghetti to protect my shirt from sauce splatters.

How do you use the word bibb in a sentence?

The term bibb is much less common and refers specifically to a particular type of washer or valve for controlling the flow of liquid, typically water. It is often used in the context of plumbing and outdoor faucets.
Examples of bibb in a sentence
  • The plumber said we would need a new bibb for the leaky outdoor faucet.
  • I replaced the worn-out bibb washers, and now the taps no longer drip.
  • Please shut off the bibb valve to stop the water flow while we fix the piping.

Bib and bibb definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bib definition:
A bib is a piece of cloth or plastic that is worn under the chin and tied around the neck to protect clothing from food spills during meals.

Bib parts of speech:
  • Noun: The baby's bib was adorned with cute animal prints.
  • Verb (informal): She bibbed her son before the meal to keep his clothes clean.

Bib pronunciation:
Bib is pronounced as /bɪb/.

Bibb definition:
A bibb is a type of faucet with a nozzle curved downward, or a valve fitting on such a faucet; sometimes referred to as hose bibb when used to connect hoses outdoor.

Bibb parts of speech:
  • Noun: The garden's watering system is connected to the hose bibb located on the side of the house.

Bibb pronunciation:
Bibb is pronounced as /bɪb/.

Bib vs. bibb in a nutshell

While both bib and bibb are pronounced similarly, they refer to very different objects. A bib is a protective garment worn around the neck, commonly used for babies or at messy meals. In contrast, a bibb relates specifically to a plumbing fixture designed to regulate water flow. Understanding the context is key when distinguishing between these two terms.

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