Bold vs. Bowled: What's the Difference?

The words bold and bowled are homophones, meaning they sound alike but have different meanings. Bold is typically used as an adjective to describe a person, action, or idea that is brave, confident, or daring. On the other hand, bowled is the past tense of the verb to bowl, referring to rolling a ball down a lane in the sport of bowling, or more broadly, to throw or roll a ball or similar object.

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Bold vs. Bowled

How do you use the word bold in a sentence?

The word bold is used to describe someone or something demonstrating an ability to take risks, assertive actions or standout qualities. It can convey courage or a willingness to challenge norms and can be used in both a positive and a critical context.
Examples of bold in a sentence
  • Her bold approach to problem-solving earned her a promotion.
  • The artist's bold use of color captivated the audience.
  • He made a bold statement with his controversial political stance.

How do you use the word bowled in a sentence?

Bowled is used when referring to the action of rolling a ball typically in sports, such as cricket or bowling. It indicates the past action of delivering a ball in these games or can metaphorically suggest delivering something with a smooth and rolling motion.
Examples of bowled in a sentence
  • He bowled a perfect strike in the last frame of the game.
  • The cricket player bowled an impressive over that left the opposing team stumped.
  • During the picnic, she bowled the bocce ball skillfully towards the target.

Bold and bowled definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bold definition:
Bold refers to showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous. As an adjective, it can describe the quality of standing out with confidence or defiance.

Bold parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: Her boldness was apparent in how she addressed the crowd.
  • Used adverbially: He stepped forward bold despite his apprehension.

Bold pronunciation:
Bold is pronounced as /boʊld/. There are no significant variations in its pronunciation.

Bowled definition:
Bowled is the past tense of the verb bowl, which means to roll a ball down a lane in the sport of bowling or to roll a ball overhand in cricket. It can also mean to move forward rapidly and smoothly.

Bowled parts of speech:
  • As a verb (past tense): He bowled for the very first time and managed to knock down a few pins.
  • Used in the passive voice: The game was bowled under bright lights as the crowd cheered.

Bowled pronunciation:
Bowled is pronounced as /boʊld/, identical to 'bold'. The pronunciation does not vary regionally.

Bold vs. Bowled in a nutshell

While these two words sound the same, bold refers to someone or something showing courage and confidence, often used as an adjective. In contrast, bowled is the past tense of the verb to bowl, associated with rolling a ball in sports like cricket and bowling. Understanding the context in which each word is used is crucial as it completely changes the meaning despite their similar pronunciation.

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