Bolder vs. Boulder: What's the Difference?

The words bolder and boulder are homophones, meaning they sound similar but have different meanings. Bolder is the comparative adjective form of bold, signifying more courage or more willing to take risks. In contrast, a boulder is a large rock typically found in natural settings like mountains, riverbeds, or beaches.

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Bolder vs. Boulder

How do you use the word bolder in a sentence?

Use bolder when you want to describe someone or something as showing more courage or confidence than before. It denotes a higher degree of boldness. Bolder is particularly useful when comparing the audacity or fearlessness between two entities or scenarios.
Examples of bolder in a sentence
  • He took a bolder step this time, standing up to his critics with undeniable confidence.
  • The new design is bolder, using vivid colors and larger text to attract attention.
  • As she gained experience, her decisions became bolder, changing the direction of the project for the better.

How do you use the word boulder in a sentence?

The word boulder refers specifically to a large piece of rock. Use boulder to describe a geographical feature or a rock of considerable size, especially when discussing landscapes, geology, or outdoor activities.
Examples of boulder in a sentence
  • The trail was blocked by a massive boulder that must have fallen during the last storm.
  • Climbers gathered at the base of the boulder, assessing the best route to scale it.
  • Flowers and moss covered the surface of the old boulder, integrating it into the natural landscape.

Bolder and boulder definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bolder definition:
Bolder: Showing more courage; having a greater degree of confidence or assertiveness.

Bolder parts of speech:
  • Adjective: His bolder approach in negotiations won him more favorable terms.

Bolder pronunciation:
Bolder: /ˈboʊldər/

Boulder definition:
Boulder: A large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion.

Boulder parts of speech:
  • Noun: The campsite by the river had several boulders perfect for seating.

Boulder pronunciation:
Boulder: /ˈboʊldər/

Bolder vs. Boulder in a nutshell

In summary, bolder refers to an increase in confidence or courage, while a boulder describes a significant rock. Both terms are pronounced the same but are distinguished by their usage; bolder is an adjective used in comparisons, and boulder is a noun referring to a geological object. Understanding the context in which each term is used will allow you to effectively communicate your intended meaning.

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