Bore vs. Boar: What's the Difference?

The words bore and boar are classic examples of English homophones: words that sound alike but have different meanings. Bore is a verb meaning to drill a hole, or a noun that refers to something or someone that causes ennui. Boar, on the other hand, is a noun that describes a wild pig of the genus Sus, notable for its tusks.

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Bore vs. Boar

How do you use the word bore in a sentence?

Use bore as a verb when you're talking about making holes. It suggests the action of penetrating a surface with a rotary tool. As a noun, bore refers to something or someone that doesn't stimulate interest or attention and thus induces a sense of tediousness. It's important to match the context of the verb or noun with its appropriate meaning.
Examples of bore in a sentence
  • The carpenter used a drill to bore holes into the wood for the dowels.
  • During the conference, the audience was visibly bored by the monotonous speech.
  • He had the peculiar talent of being able to bore through the thickest ice with minimal effort.

How do you use the word boar in a sentence?

Boar is used solely as a noun to refer to the male of wild pig species, often characterized by stiff bristles and long tusks. It can also refer to the domestic pig's male, especially if not castrated and used for breeding. The term embodies certain wild and untamed attributes when used figuratively.
Examples of boar in a sentence
  • While hiking, they spotted a wild boar in the underbrush.
  • The ancient Celtic warriors considered hunting the boar a test of bravery and skill.
  • During the middle ages, boar hunting was an aristocratic pastime.

Bore and boar definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Bore definition:
As a verb, bore means 'to make a hole in something with a tool or by digging'. As a noun, it refers to 'a person or thing that evokes a sense of tediousness and lack of interest'.

Bore parts of speech:
  • Verb: He plans to bore a new hole in his belt since he lost weight.
  • Noun: Listening to the long lecture became a real bore.

Bore pronunciation:
Bore is pronounced as /boʊr/ or /bɔːr/.

Boar definition:
Boar is a noun that denotes 'a wild pig with a bristly coat and long tusks, found in some parts of Eurasia and North Africa'. It can also refer to 'a mature male specimen of a domesticated breed of pig'.

Boar parts of speech:
  • Noun: The forest ranger warned us about the presence of a large boar in the area.
  • Noun: Some farmers keep a boar for breeding purposes.

Boar pronunciation:
Boar is pronounced as /bɔːr/ or /boʊr/.

Bore vs. Boar in a nutshell

In summary, bore can be a verb indicating the action of drilling or creating holes, and also a noun describing a nondescript or dull person or situation. Boar, distinctly a noun, refers to a common wild pig or a specific male pig in domestic breeding. Both words share a similar pronunciation but differ greatly in meaning and use, one rooted in actions and experiences and the other in the animal kingdom.

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