Brut vs. Brute: What's the Difference?

The word brut is often related to the dryness level of champagne, indicating a bottle with very little sugar content, thus giving it a dry taste. On the other hand, brute signifies a person who is rough, cruel, or insensitive. The use of brut is restricted to specific contexts, particularly in the wine industry, whereas brute is used to portray certain behaviors or characteristics of individuals, generally negative in connotation.

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Brut vs. Brute

How do you use the word brut in a sentence?

The term brut is typically used when discussing wines to classify them based on sugar content and sweetness. It is essential when you wish to describe the dryness of a champagne or sometimes other sparkling wines. Brut is a specialized term used predominantly by sommeliers, wine enthusiasts, and in contexts where precision in describing wine attributes is vital.
Examples of brut in a sentence
  • I prefer brut champagne because I enjoy the crisp, dry taste without the sweetness.
  • For the wedding toast, they selected a brut sparkling wine to cater to a variety of palates.
  • She was genuinely surprised by the complexity of the brut rosé, noting its balanced acidity.

How do you use the word brute in a sentence?

Brute is used to describe a person or an act that is savage, cruel, or lacking in sensibility. It can have a strongly negative connotation, implying a comparison to a non-human animal in terms of viciousness or lack of sophistication. Brute is often employed in literature and everyday language to convey the concept of raw, unchecked power or aggression.
Examples of brute in a sentence
  • The brute strength of the wrestler was unmatched in the ring.
  • Despite his muscular appearance, he was gentle and nothing like a brute.
  • In the movie, the villain's brute force was eventually overcome by the hero's clever strategy.

Brut and brute definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Brut definition:
Brut is a French term adopted into English usage, primarily in the wine industry, to describe a champagne or sparkling wine with very little sugar left after fermentation, making it dry to taste.

Brut parts of speech:
  • Adjective: The wine critic described the brut nature of the champagne as ideal for the appetizer course.

Brut pronunciation:
Brut is pronounced as /brʊt/, with a soft, almost silent 't' at the end, following French phonetics.

Brute definition:
The term brute refers to a savagely violent person or animal. It is also used to describe a person who is crude, unrefined, or physically strong but lacks intellect or moral sensitivity.

Brute parts of speech:
  • Noun: The novel's antagonist is portrayed as a ruthless brute who stops at nothing to achieve his goals.
  • Adjective: He was taken aback by the brute honesty in her voice, which left no room for doubt.

Brute pronunciation:
Brute is pronounced as /bruːt/, with an emphasis on a clear 'u' sound similar to the word 'boot'.

Brut vs. brute in a nutshell

Brut and brute are homophones in English, yet they hold distinct meanings and uses. Brut is primarily associated with the description of wine, specifically to indicate its dryness, whereas brute describes negative human characteristics related to violence, insensitivity, or a lack of sophistication. Understanding the context in which each word is applied is crucial to using them correctly. Brut is a term of precision in the culinary world, particularly among wine aficionados, while brute is a common descriptor in everyday language conveying aggressive behavior or physical strength.

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