Buy vs. by: What's the Difference?

The words buy and by are classic examples of English homophones: words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Buy refers to the action of acquiring something in exchange for payment. On the other hand, by is most commonly used as a preposition to indicate the agent or method through which something is achieved, though it can also function as an adverb or a noun.

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Buy vs. By

How do you use the word buy in a sentence?

The word buy is used when discussing the act of purchasing or acquiring something. It is a verb that can indicate either the physical action of picking something up in a store and paying for it, or finalizing a purchase in a virtual environment, such as online shopping.
Examples of buy in a sentence
  • She decided to buy a new car after her old one broke down.
  • They are looking for best deals to buy their dream home.
  • I usually buy my groceries online for the sake of convenience.

How do you use the word by in a sentence?

The word by is often employed when discussing proximity or location, specifying how something is accomplished, or identifying who performed a particular action. Using by allows readers or listeners to understand the method or agent behind something in a clear and concise manner.
Examples of by in a sentence
  • The cake was baked by Jessica for the office party.
  • She stopped by my desk to deliver the message.
  • I prefer to travel by train as it is more comfortable.

Buy and by definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Buy definition:
Buy (verb): to obtain something by paying money or its equivalent; to make a purchase.

Buy parts of speech:
  • As a verb, you can say, 'I want to buy that dress for the party.'

Buy pronunciation:
The word buy is pronounced as /baɪ/.

By definition:
By (preposition): indicating the agent after a passive verb or the instrument, means, or method; beside; past; not later than.

By parts of speech:
  • Used as a preposition, it can be seen in, 'The cake was eaten by the children.'

By pronunciation:
The word by is also pronounced as /baɪ/, identical to buy.

Buy vs. by in a nutshell

Though buy and by sound remarkably similar, their usage couldn't be more different. Buy is an action verb that's all about making purchases. By, in contrast, is a versatile word that's most often a preposition, but can also act as an adverb, or sometimes a noun. Getting these two straight helps convey clear meaning, whether you're discussing transactions or describing the method by which something is done.

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