Calendar vs. Calender: What's the Difference?

Calendar and calender are two words that are often confused due to their similar spelling. However, a calendar is a system for organizing days, typically for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes, arranged by days, weeks, and months within a year. In contrast, a calender is a machine in which paper or cloth is smoothed and compressed by passing between rollers. It's essential to use these terms correctly to avoid confusion and to convey the intended meaning.

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Calendar vs. Calender

How do you use the word calendar in a sentence?

The word calendar is used to refer to a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, as well as holidays and seasons. It can be in a physical form, like a wall or desk calendar, or digital, such as an app on your phone. Calendars help people plan their schedules, mark important dates, and keep track of upcoming events.
Examples of calendar in a sentence
  • I need to mark the meeting date on my calendar so I don't forget.
  • Your birthday is highlighted on the calendar hanging in the kitchen.
  • We use an online calendar at work to coordinate our team's schedule.

How do you use the word calender in a sentence?

The word calender is used in the context of industrial printing or textile manufacturing. It refers to a machine with heavy rollers that press, smooth, or emboss materials. Understanding the context in which it's used is crucial because it is a specialized term that may not be familiar to everyone.
Examples of calender in a sentence
  • The paper went through the calender to achieve a smooth finish.
  • We need to buy a new calender for the textile plant to increase our production capacity.
  • The calender is an essential piece of equipment in the finishing process of fabric manufacturing.

Calendar and calender definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Calendar definition:
A calendar is a system used to keep track of time by arranging days into weeks, months, and years, often including holidays and seasons.

Calendar parts of speech:
  • Noun: I hang a new calendar on my wall every year.
  • Verb: He calendars his appointments to stay organized.

Calendar pronunciation:
The word calendar is pronounced as /ˈkaləndər/.

Calender definition:
A calender is a machine with heavy rollers that press, gloss, or emboss paper or fabric to smooth and compress the material.

Calender parts of speech:
  • Noun: We replaced the old calender with a more advanced model.

Calender pronunciation:
The word calender is pronounced as /ˈkalɪndər/.

Calendar vs. Calender in a nutshell

In summary, calendar is a noun and sometimes a verb related to the system of organizing days for various purposes, while calender is a noun specific to an industrial machine used for pressing materials like paper and fabric. Proper use of these terms is essential to communicate effectively and accurately. While calendar has a presence in everyday life and comes in both physical and digital forms, calender is a specialized term that holds significance mainly in manufacturing contexts.

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