Calvary vs. Cavalry: What's the Difference?

Calvary refers to the site immediately outside Jerusalem's walls where Jesus was crucified. It's often used in a religious context to denote a place of sacrifice or suffering. Cavalry, on the other hand, refers to the branch of armed forces that specialize in fighting on horseback. While the two terms are similar in spelling, they represent entirely different concepts and are used in very distinct contexts.

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Calvary vs. Cavalry

How do you use the word calvary in a sentence?

The word calvary is used to describe a situation or place involving great suffering or a sacrifice similar to that of Jesus Christ on Calvary. It's primarily a theological term but can also be used metaphorically to describe any experience that involves extreme distress or ordeal.
Examples of calvary in a sentence
  • Every Good Friday, a procession reenacts the journey to Calvary.
  • The refugees faced their own Calvary as they traversed the war-torn lands.
  • Her long battle with illness was a true calvary, marked by both suffering and courage.

How do you use the word cavalry in a sentence?

The word cavalry is used to describe an army component that conducts combat operations on horseback. It's a military term that can also be used metaphorically to refer to a swift, powerful force or a group that provides timely help in a crisis or conflict.
Examples of cavalry in a sentence
  • The cavalry charged forward, breaking the enemy's lines.
  • When things looked grim, the reinforcements arrived like the cavalry at the last moment.
  • Historically, the effectiveness of cavalry units was often determined by the terrain.

Calvary and cavalry definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Calvary definition:
Calvary, as a noun, is defined as the hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. The name is derived from the Latin 'calvaria', meaning 'skull'.

Calvary parts of speech:
  • As a noun, Calvary refers to a place of great suffering or a mental crucifixion.

Calvary pronunciation:
Calvary is pronounced as /ˈkal.vər.i/.

Cavalry definition:
Cavalry, as a noun, refers to soldiers who fought on horseback. The term extends to modern armored units that have taken over the functions of the horse cavalry.

Cavalry parts of speech:
  • As a noun, cavalry is used to describe a military unit or soldiers mounted on horseback.

Cavalry pronunciation:
Cavalry is pronounced as /ˈkav.ə.lrɪ/.

Calvary vs. cavalry in a nutshell

Calvary is associated with the site of Jesus' crucifixion and carries connotations of suffering and salvation. It is used as a noun and pronounced /ˈkal.vər.i/. Cavalry, with its distinct military origin, refers to soldiers on horseback and, by extension, to fast-responding or decisive intervention forces. It is also a noun, pronounced /ˈkav.ə.lrɪ/. Remembering this fundamental difference between the two can prevent confusion in both writing and speech.

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