Can vs. May: What's the Difference?

The words can and may both imply a sense of possibility, but they are used differently in various contexts. Can is commonly used to express ability or capacity, whether physical, mental, or technical. In contrast, may suggests permission or a possibility that is less certain. Knowing when to use each word can enhance clarity and precision in communication.

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Can vs. May

How do you use the word can in a sentence?

The word can should be used when referring to someone's ability to do something or when indicating that something is possible. It is most commonly used in the present tense and inflected appropriately for past and future references. Can is a modal verb that helps express different degrees of certainty and is essential for constructing polite inquiries or offers.
Examples of can in a sentence
  • She can solve complex math problems in minutes.
  • Can you help me move this table?
  • With the right tools, you can build your own furniture.

How do you use the word may in a sentence?

The word may is most accurately used to request or give permission. It also serves to express possibility, often implying that there are other outcomes or options. Traditionally, in formal settings, may is preferred over can when politely asking for permission. It reflects a more refined and respectful tone.
Examples of may in a sentence
  • May I leave the table, please?
  • You may encounter some traffic on your way home.
  • There may be a chance of rain tomorrow.

Can and may definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Can definition:
Can is used as a modal verb to indicate someone's ability to do something or to suggest that something is possible. It is also utilized to ask for or give permission informally.

Can parts of speech:
  • As a modal verb: Can you access the internet from your device?

Can pronunciation:
Pronounced as /kæn/ in its base form and /kən/ when unstressed in a sentence.

May definition:
May is a modal verb used to express permission or possibility. It conveys a more polite or formal request than can and is often used to indicate that something is likely or could happen.

May parts of speech:
  • As a modal verb: You may start your test now.

May pronunciation:
Pronounced as /meɪ/ in all contexts.

Can vs. may in a nutshell

The difference between can and may lies in their usage: can denotes ability or capacity and is commonly used in informal permissions, while may implies formal permission or a less certain possibility. Can is typically direct and straightforward, often involving actual physical or mental ability. On the other hand, may carries a tone of politeness and formality, ideal for respectful requests or when outlining potential scenarios with a sense of courtesy.

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