Chili vs. Chilly: What's the Difference?

While chili and chilly sound similar, they refer to very different things. Chili, often spelled with one 'l', is a hearty stew made with meats, beans, tomatoes, spices, and sometimes chili peppers. On the other hand, chilly, spelled with double 'l', is an adjective to describe cold temperatures or the feeling of being uncomfortably cool.

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Chili vs. Chilly

How do you use the word chili in a sentence?

The word chili is typically used as a noun to refer to a spicy, savory dish that is popular in Tex-Mex cuisine. It can be made with various ingredients and can range in levels of heat and flavor. It's a favorite comfort food for many, especially during the colder months or as a hearty meal on game day.
Examples of chili in a sentence
  • Jason won the cook-off with his grandmother's secret chili recipe.
  • With the snow falling outside, a hot bowl of chili was exactly what they needed to warm up.
  • Chili peppers, often a key ingredient in chili, can range from mild to extremely spicy.

How do you use the word chilly in a sentence?

The word chilly is an adjective that describes something that is moderately cold or causing a sensation of coldness. This term is often used to describe weather conditions, indoor temperatures, or the physical sensation of feeling cold.
Examples of chilly in a sentence
  • The morning air was brisk and chilly, so she grabbed her scarf and gloves.
  • Despite the sunshine, a chilly breeze made everyone shiver during the picnic.
  • It's a bit chilly in here; could you please turn up the heater?

Chili and chilly definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Chili definition:
Chili is a noun that refers to a spicy, meat-based stew often cooked with beans, peppers, tomatoes, and various seasonings.

Chili parts of speech:
  • As a noun, chili refers to the stew: 'Marie simmered the chili for hours to enhance its flavors.'
  • Chili is also a noun when referring to the peppers: 'He added some chili to the dish for extra heat.'

Chili pronunciation:
Chili is pronounced as /ˈtʃɪli/.

Chilly definition:
Chilly is an adjective describing an environment or temperature that is noticeably cold or causing a sensation of coldness but not freezing.

Chilly parts of speech:
  • Used as an adjective, chilly describes temperature: 'The chilly weather made her wrap her coat tightly around her.'
  • It can also describe a personal sensation: 'After the swim, he felt chilly and dried off quickly.'

Chilly pronunciation:
Chilly is pronounced as /ˈtʃɪli/.

Chili vs. Chilly in a nutshell

Chili and chilly are homophones with distinct meanings and uses. Chili is a noun that names a flavor-packed stew, often prepared with beef, beans, and traditionally spiced with chili peppers, while chilly describes the quality of being moderately cold, a characteristic of weather or a sensation. Being aware of the context is key to using these terms correctly, and despite similar pronunciation, their applications are decidedly different.

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