Chord vs. Cord: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between chord and cord is essential to using them correctly. A chord is a group of notes played together in harmony, commonly used in the context of music. In contrast, a cord references a length of rope, wire, or a similar flexible strand used for binding, fastening, or connecting objects.

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Chord vs. Cord

How do you use the word chord in a sentence?

The word chord is used in the context of music to describe a combination of notes that are harmonious when sounded together. It often refers to a segment of a musical performance or composition. Musicians play chords on instruments like the piano or guitar to create a rich, full sound in a song.
Examples of chord in a sentence
  • She strummed a beautiful chord on her guitar that resonated throughout the room.
  • The chorus of the song is emphasized by a progression of minor chords.
  • Learning to read chord charts is essential for any aspiring guitarist.

How do you use the word cord in a sentence?

The word cord typically alludes to a thick string or a thin rope, often used for tying or connecting objects. It is also commonly found in expressions relating to electricity, as in power cords, or in anatomy with phrases like the vocal cords.
Examples of cord in a sentence
  • He wrapped the cord around the package to secure it before shipping.
  • She was constantly detangling the cords of her headphones every time she wanted to use them.
  • The lamp's power cord was too short to reach the outlet without an extension.

Chord and cord definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Chord definition:
A chord is a set of three or more notes played simultaneously, creating a harmonious sound.

Chord parts of speech:
  • Noun: The piano chord filled the room with its resonant tone.

Chord pronunciation:
Chord is pronounced as /kɔrd/.

Cord definition:
A cord is a length of flexible material, typically made of strands of fiber, used for binding, fastening, or connecting objects.

Cord parts of speech:
  • Noun: He bought a new cord for his guitar amp.

Cord pronunciation:
Cord is pronounced as /kɔrd/, the same pronunciation as chord.

Chord vs. cord in a nutshell

To summarize, chord and cord are homophones - they sound alike but have different meanings. A chord is a term primarily used in music, referring to a group of notes played together. Cord, on the other hand, stands for a length of string or thin rope. Despite their identical pronunciation, the context of their use is markedly different, with one belonging to the realm of music and the other to objects that tie or connect.

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