Cite vs. Site: What's the Difference?

Understanding when to use cite vs. site is crucial in English. Cite is a verb meaning to mention or refer to a source, especially in academic or legal contexts. On the other hand, site refers to a location or place, commonly used when talking about physical or digital spaces. Each word has a distinct usage and cannot be used interchangeably.

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Cite vs. Site

How do you use the word cite in a sentence?

You use the word cite when you want to refer to a piece of information, a study, or a work of literature to support an argument or point. It's often utilized in academic writing, legal documents, and any context where referencing sources is necessary. Cite helps establish credibility and gives credit to the original authors.
Examples of cite in a sentence
  • The professor instructed her students to carefully cite all sources in their research papers.
  • Lawyers frequently cite previous court cases as part of their legal arguments.
  • You must cite your sources to avoid plagiarism in your writing.

How do you use the word site in a sentence?

The word site is used to identify a specific location or position, often in relation to construction, archaeology, or web domains. When talking about where something is located or where a particular event is happening, use site.
Examples of site in a sentence
  • Archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts at the excavation site.
  • The company plans to build its new headquarters on this site.
  • You can find more information on our official website, just visit our site at the given domain.

Cite and site definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Cite definition:
Cite (verb): To mention or quote as an authority or example; to refer to for proof or illustration; to summon officially or authoritatively to appear in court.

Cite parts of speech:
  • As a verb, cite is used to reference another work: She cited three influential philosophers in her dissertation.

Cite pronunciation:
Cite is pronounced as /saɪt/.

Site definition:
Site (noun): The location or position where something has existed or been placed, or where construction will take place; also refers to an internet location (website).

Site parts of speech:
  • As a noun, site denotes a specific place: The construction site was busy with workers and machinery.

Site pronunciation:
Site is pronounced as /saɪt/.

Cite vs. Site in a nutshell

The crux of the difference between cite and site lies in their context and meaning. Cite is an action verb that denotes the act of referencing another's work or calling on someone to appear in court. Site, being a noun, identifies a physical or digital location. Despite having the same pronunciation, their usages are distinct and should be carefully chosen to convey the intended meaning accurately in writing and speech.

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