Clew vs. Clue: What's the Difference?

Clew and clue are often confused due to their similar-sounding nature, however, they have distinct meanings and uses. Clew refers to a corner of a sail with certain cords or a ball of yarn, conveying a nautical or knitting context. On the other hand, clue is commonly used to signify a piece of evidence or information that aids in the solution of a problem, mystery, or puzzle.

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Clew vs. Clue

How do you use the word clew in a sentence?

The word clew is often used in a maritime or craft context. In sailing, it pertains to the lower corners of a sail where lines are attached. In knitting or the handling of yarn, it refers to a ball of thread. Its use is specialized and less common in general vocabulary.
Examples of clew in a sentence
  • The skipper instructed the crew to adjust the clew to tighten the mainsail.
  • When she dropped her knitting, the ball of yarn, or clew, rolled away, unraveling her hard work.
  • The old sail had its clew frayed, requiring significant repairs before the next voyage.

How do you use the word clue in a sentence?

Clue is widely used in contexts involving puzzles, mysteries, or any scenarios where information is sought to solve a question or problem. It denotes a hint, a piece of evidence, or something that serves to guide in the discovery of an unknown. Its usage is very commonplace in everyday language, across multiple disciplines.
Examples of clue in a sentence
  • Detective Smith found a crucial clue that led to the apprehension of the suspect.
  • The ancient map held a clue to the location of the long-lost treasure.
  • Without a clue on how to proceed, she felt stuck in the escape room.

Clew and clue definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Clew definition:
A clew is a nautical term referring to either of the lower corners of a square sail or the aft corner of a fore-and-aft sail. In another context, it is also a term for a ball of string or yarn.

Clew parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The clew of the sail needed to be repaired after the storm.

Clew pronunciation:
Clew is pronounced as /kluː/, rhyming with words like 'new' and 'blue'.

Clue definition:
A clue is a fact or piece of information that serves as a guide or aid in the resolution of a problem or mystery.

Clue parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The detective was looking for a clue to solve the case.
  • As a verb: His expression clued us into his true feelings about the matter.

Clue pronunciation:
Clue is pronounced as /kluː/, identical to the pronunciation of clew.

Clew vs. clue in a nutshell

To summarize, clew is a technical term primarily used in sailing and handicraft for a corner of a sail or a ball of yarn, while clue is a general term applicable to any piece of information or evidence useful in solving problems or puzzles. Despite their identical pronunciation, their meanings and contextual uses are quite distinct. Understanding the difference between clew and clue can ensure precision when selecting the appropriate term for a given situation.

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