Coat vs. Cote: What's the Difference?

The words coat and cote may sound similar, but they have entirely different meanings and uses. A coat is an outer garment worn by people for warmth or fashion; it typically has sleeves and opens down the front. On the other hand, a cote is a shelter for mammals or birds, such as a small cottage or a pen for animals like sheep or pigeons. Understanding the context in which each word is used is key to their proper application.

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Coat vs. Cote

How do you use the word coat in a sentence?

You use the word coat when referring to a piece of clothing that covers the upper body and is worn over other clothes, usually for warmth or protection against the weather. It can also refer to a layer of paint or substance covering a surface. The word coat is often associated with outerwear that suits various weather conditions and settings.
Examples of coat in a sentence
  • I grabbed my woolen coat before stepping out into the chilly evening.
  • After sanding the wood, he applied a coat of varnish to protect it.
  • The doctor's white coat had her name embroidered on the pocket.

How do you use the word cote in a sentence?

The word cote is used when discussing a small structure that serves as a dwelling or shelter for domestic animals. It is most commonly associated with aviaries or enclosures for birds like doves or pigeons. The term can also be used more broadly to refer to any sort of animal pen or protective housing. It's a less commonly used word but still relevant in rural or farming contexts.
Examples of cote in a sentence
  • The farmer built a wooden cote to house his flock of pigeons.
  • She visited the sheep cote every morning to check on the newborn lambs.
  • The children loved to watch the birds fly in and out of the cote in the backyard.

Coat and cote definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Coat definition:
A coat is an article of clothing that covers the upper body and is usually worn outdoors for warmth or as part of an outfit. It typically has long sleeves and fastens down the front.

Coat parts of speech:
  • As a noun: She wore her favorite coat to ward off the cold.
  • As a verb (less common): The carpenter is going to coat the table with a layer of lacquer.

Coat pronunciation:
Coat is pronounced as /kəʊt/.

Cote definition:
A cote is a small shelter for domestic animals, especially birds such as pigeons or doves. In historical contexts, it can also mean a small cottage or hut.

Cote parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The doves nestled comfortably inside the cote during the storm.
  • Note: The word cote is not commonly used as other parts of speech.

Cote pronunciation:
Cote is pronounced as /kəʊt/, much like the word coat.

Coat vs. Cote in a nutshell

While both coat and cote share a similar pronunciation, they refer to distinctly different things. A coat is a common article of clothing designed to be worn on the upper body, mostly for warmth or fashion. Cote, on the other hand, is a term for a small, protective shelter for animals. Each word integrates into our language in its own unique way, reflecting either the world of apparel or rural life.

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