Consider vs. Regard: What's the Difference?

Both consider and regard deal with the way in which we see and think about something, but they carry slightly different implications and use cases. Consider typically means to think carefully about something, particularly when pondering or deliberating a decision. On the other hand, regard is generally used when acknowledging or respecting certain qualities of something or someone, or in the context of considering someone or something in a specified way.

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Consider vs. Regard

How do you use the word consider in a sentence?

The word consider is used when describing the process of thinking about something, often with attention to details and implications. For instance, it is used when weighing the pros and cons before making a choice, or when asking for someone’s opinion or perspective on an issue. It emphasizes a deliberate and thoughtful approach.
Examples of consider in a sentence
  • Please take some time to consider all your options before you make a final decision.
  • Consider the impact of your words on others before you speak.
  • I consider your advice very seriously when making choices about my career.

How do you use the word regard in a sentence?

The word regard is often used to express consideration or attention towards someone or something. It also serves to convey respect or admiration. Additionally, regard can be used when referring to a particular point of view or aspect, specifying the sense in which someone or something is considered.
Examples of regard in a sentence
  • She held her mentor in high regard for his integrity and dedication.
  • In regard to your recent inquiry, we are still investigating the issue.
  • The architect regards sustainability as a crucial aspect of modern design.

Consider and regard definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Consider definition:
Consider (verb): To think about carefully; to take into account; to ponder or deliberate.

Consider parts of speech:
  • Verb: They consider it a priority to increase transparency in government.

Consider pronunciation:
Phonetic: kən-ˈsɪ-dər.

Regard definition:
Regard (verb): To think of or consider in a particular way; to gaze upon or look at attentively.

Regard parts of speech:
  • Verb: Artists are often regarded as the visionaries of society.

Regard pronunciation:
Phonetic: rɪ-ˈgɑrd.

Consider vs. regard in a nutshell

While both consider and regard relate to the act of thinking about or viewing something, consider emphasizes a process of deliberation and evaluation, often before making a decision. Regard, in contrast, often involves a sense of respect or estimation, as well as considering from a specific perspective or point of view. Understanding the subtle differences between the two terms can enhance clarity and precision in communication.

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