Crape vs. Crepe: What's the Difference?

The distinction between crape and crepe lies primarily in their usage and context. Crape commonly refers to a black, crinkled cloth fabric, traditionally used for mourning clothes. Crepe, on the other hand, is a thin, light, delicate fabric with a wrinkled surface or a type of very thin pancake originating from France, enjoyed both sweet and savory.

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Crape vs. Crepe

How do you use the word crape in a sentence?

Crape is typically used to refer to fabric, particularly a mourning fabric. It is characterized by its crinkled or puckered texture which gives it a distinct appearance. The term is less commonly used today but still holds significance in historical context.
Examples of crape in a sentence
  • She wore a dress of black crape to signify her mourning.
  • The crape hanging from the door indicated that the house was in bereavement.
  • Victorian traditions called for crape to be worn for at least a year following the death of a spouse.

How do you use the word crepe in a sentence?

Crepe can refer to a fabric with a crinkled texture similar to crape but is more often used to describe a very thin pancake. When not referring to fabric, crepe is used in culinary contexts, often highlighting the dish's versatility in terms of fillings and toppings.
Examples of crepe in a sentence
  • For breakfast, she ordered a strawberry and whipped cream crepe from the cafe.
  • He chose a lightweight crepe fabric for his summer suit because of its breathability.
  • There's a new food truck that specializes in savory crepes filled with cheese and ham.

Crape and crepe definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Crape definition:
Crape is defined as a type of fabric with a crinkled or puckered surface, generally made from silk or a silk-like fabric and used historically for mourning apparel.

Crape parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The crape meant for the funeral attire was set aside.

Crape pronunciation:
Crape is pronounced as /kreɪp/.

Crepe definition:
Crepe refers to either a light, thin fabric with a wrinkled surface or a very thin pancake often served with sweet or savory fillings.

Crepe parts of speech:
  • As a noun (fabric): The dressmaker used a delicate crepe for the evening gown.
  • As a noun (food): She learned how to flip a crepe perfectly after a few tries.

Crepe pronunciation:
Crepe is pronounced as /krɛp/ or in some dialects as /kreɪp/, similar to crape.

Crape vs. Crepe in a nutshell

While crape and crepe may sound similar and once had overlapping definitions related to fabric texture, modern usage tends to differentiate them. Crape is less common and typically references the mourning fabrics of the past, underscored by its black color and wrinkled texture. Conversely, crepe is frequently used to describe a lightweight fabric with a variety of uses or the much-loved thin pancake. With distinct meanings in textile and culinary fields, context is key to understanding whether one is referring to a fabric or a delightful meal.

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